The two images have the same communication situations: in both cases, they make a request to someone. Describing the process of communication, we say:
- women are represented issuers
- we observe that we are the recipients
- requests constitute the message or content of the communication, which requires a response or a return message.
There is a difference between the two situations: in the first situation, the girl uses the finger to his mouth to convey the message, the second one uses the word.
Una grande prima distinzione può essere fatta fra i sistemi verbali e quelli non verbali.
I sistemi non verbali di comunicazione sono numerosissimi:
- pittura
- danza gesto posizione del corpo
- insegne/segnaletica
- suoni
- fumo
- colori
- posizioni delle mai
- ecc..
In parecchie occasioni, noi comunichiamo servandoci di codici di questo tipo. Ci sono delle situazioni in cui il ricorso al codice non verbale è d'uso comune e non ci è difficile capire il messaggio: the nod, the gesture to indicate thirst, elbows, etc.. In many nations, non-verbal communication, for example through dance and mime, is even more of our rich and varied, just think of the African popoalzioni.
The disclosure by the verbal code is exclusively human. The animal not only has the use of the word, but uses non-verbal codes in a repetitive fashion, guided by instinct. So-male fireflies, with their flashes at night, of various intensity and frequency, signal their presence, as the instinct impels them to do, and without their willingness to intervene directly. The examples could continue, citing the chimps, bees, geese and many other animals.
I languages \u200b\u200bused by humans to communicate are numerous. The word is accompanied or replaced by another sign, gesture, position, movement, whistle, etc.. In many situations, helping us express ourselves with gestures or facial expressions of the face. But all in all, the word is the most powerful communication system between all languages. Why?
non-verbal language used by man or animal are static, repetitive, as always communicate the same message is also not always able to convey an abstract idea or a set of ideas: the outline of Chapter, hand gestures give accurate information, but limited and lacks the nuances present, however, in the word. Compared to other codes of communication, language is the one that suits most of the other situations, changing, organizing, and is the only one to ensure better communication of thoughts and feelings.
Then, language is a system of economic comunicazzione, because with few elements (sounds) we can build all the words and phrases you want. The same is true at the level of written language with the alphabet, for which the individual letters, combine to give rise to an infinite number of words and phrases.
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