Social software
Here are some Social Software:
Friendster Friendster is not widely known in Italy but in America is the number 2 after MySpace for volume of registrations. Is a direct rival to myspace, even though it is much better than Myspace as an 'organization' so here we have a section on "Friends," "photo album", "typelist" and "control panel". In addition, the section 'blog' has in turn sub-sections: post, manage, design, configure. Defects? The fact that it is not widely used in Italy there is only the English version.
ORKUT Orkut is a social network launched in 2004 by Google.
Like other similar sites, Orkut permits a user profile into which the general data (such as nationality, chronological age or city of residence), but also pictures and lists flexible interest of each member. It is also the possibility to include in your profile video.
distinctive feature of Orkut is the presence of "community." These are groups of users that share the same interest or, more often, a common language or nationality.
In the vast ecosystem of social network, Orkut is notable for a clear policy of closure to the outside. You can not access any information on the members unless you subscribe to the service. Even the utenti già iscritti Orkut offre notevoli strumenti di protezione delle informazioni con la possibilità di stabilire con precisione come e con chi condividere i propri dati. L'iscrizione al servizio è gratuita e necessita di un account Google che, in caso, verrà attivato contestualmente all'iscrizione.
Facebook è stato fondato nel 2004 da Mark Zuckerberg.
Lo scopo principale iniziale di Facebook era di far mantenere i contatti tra studenti di università e licei di tutto il mondo, adesso è diventata una rete sociale che abbraccia trasversalmente tutti gli utenti di internet.Gli utenti creano profili che spesso contengono foto e liste di interessi personali, scambiano messaggi privati o public and are part of a group of friends. The vision of the detailed data of the profile is restricted to members of the same network or confirmed friends.
The site is free to users and derives revenue from advertising including banner.
For other social software can connect to the Blog of Anna Nicole Guion:
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