Quando è troppo è troppo troppo
is useless. 3D films I still do not understand their meaning. Cecioni Maria says that the technology used to render three-dimensional images more real, more real. Yes, but even then the stories should be more real. It's not that if I see a blue alien in 3D I think "fuck, but it is true, it is here before me, no, I just think" Well, it is a blue alien in 3D. " The same goes for animated films, I need that to be in 3D, are almost three-dimensional cartoon, a cartoon will never be the reality, even if he had 4 or 5, D. So what? Then, for consistency, a 3D film should also represent realistic situations, situations in which all are found daily, that I know. Type to be in line at the post, in 3D. Type lick sugar on the bottom of the cup of coffee after drinking coffee, in 3D. Type of house to sit on the couch zapping on TV, in 3D. Type suck his teeth to pull off that bit of oil that is stuck in 3D (this is difficult, in fact, but the technology could eventually get there). Type also see the flow spending on the conveyor belt of the cash register to the optical drive, 3-D (suggestive). I mean things like that.
- Yes, but then who would go to the cinema to see this stuff, there should be none - then Lacazza said.
- Your theory is a dog chasing its tail to the yard - he said Mary.
- to The Hague? For the yard that got to do? - I said.
- As the saying goes, Jimmy - Mary said.
- What is beat around the bush, that has to do - I insisted.
- It still does not bark, so do not see why we must lead him hither - Lacazza said.
- Why does not bark, which has this to do now? - I said that I was losing patience.
- Why can that barks does not bite, as the saying goes, but since this bite, then it barks and barks if there is no need to lead him hither, yard or yard - he said Lacazza, floured index finger raised before to face, to the teacher.
- No, this is too much. This is the last straw - I said - I do not anymore. I leave this shitty job. Just now I go to the tobacconist, buy a Scratch & Win, win € 200 thousand and send you all fuck off.
- Do it! Do it, come on! Bandini blowhard! - I challenged Lacazza. I have come from RapidoPizza and went to the tobacconist in front, I bought a Scratch & Win, thinking I win I win I win. I took the Scratch & Win recrossed the road and I always think I win I win I win and I came back from RapidoPizza, waving the Scratch & Win in front of my face. While doing this I was in a 3D film, very real, with all the things that were so real that they seemed real, like the Scratch & Win, was right in front of my face, I could touch it, indeed it was already seeing, as I kept in hand. I took out a coin of 5 cents and I began to scratch the silver from snowmen thinking I win I win I win. Then I started Christmas trees to scratch, thinking I win I win I win. While Mary scratched Cecioni Lacazza and kept quiet, there was tremendous tension in 3D. I scratched the last Christmas tree and I threw a scream.
- Embee? - Did Lacazza, in 3D with terror painted on his face.
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa - I yelled, jumping here and there. I went outside and I kicked the scooter RapidoPizza, knocking him to the ground. I returned to the pizzeria and began to beat the strong hands on the bar, by flying from all over the menu RapidoPizza.
- I won! I won! € 200 thousand! What did I tell you! I'm rich! I've done it! I'm free! A man libero! Un uomo che da una vita lotta per diventare qualcuno e alla fine ci riesce in 3D! Non posso crederci! È fantastico! Me ne vado! Mi licenzio! Maria, dillo tu a tuo padre, che da oggi non lavoro più per RapidoPizza! Da oggi potrò realizzare il mio sogno, aprire la mia catena di InsalatoGelateria! Addio, me ne vado! È stato bello! Anzi, per un cazzo, è stato bruttissimo! A mai più! Addio Lacazza, vaffanculo a te e a tutta la tua famiglia! Ci rivediamo presto! Anzi mai più! Addio pezzenti! E la vostra pizza fa schifo! Schifo, fa! Ha!, che liberazione, poterlo finalmente dire! Addio, addio! – e ho infilato l’uscita di corsa e me ne sono andato, con il biglietto in mano, continuando a urlare di gioia. Non appena ho girato l’angolo, ho appallottolato il biglietto e l’ho buttato. Non avevo vinto un beneamato cazzo, e adesso sono nella merda.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
How Do Belts Go On A 305
Il frigorifero
L’altro giorno tornando a casa ho trovato chiuso dall’interno, ho suonato.
– Chi è?
– Ermete sono io, apri.
– Parola d’ordine.
– Che?
– Parola d’ordine.
– Ma che dici, apri!
– Parola d’ordine!
– Ma non la so! Cincillà!
Ermete ha aperto la porta.
– Come hai fatto a indovinare?
– La fortuna del principiante.
Si era chiuso dentro because he is terrified that sooner or later they find the secret services and other similar crap. The television was blaring. There were mounds of earth scattered on the floor and peanut shells and newspaper pages.
- What is this stye? - I asked.
- listen up. When you did the night shift at the Department Entropia was more beautiful by day we could get around, do things.
- What kind of things.
- Things.
- What things, Hermes.
- Things, did things, things, any things, and instead now look there, did you type career, now works by day and sleep at night, are you come, yes? At night, when you key your plastic doll six satisfied, yes? Done?
- I'm not talking with someone who chooses "chinchilla" as its watchword.
We had dinner in silence with two pizzas ordered by RapidoPizza. They were sick, had a moist texture, which is why I never let the tip. Domenico chewed a spider on the wall in front of me. Bathsheba, offended by the words of Hermes, has not dined with us, went to bed without dinner. Living with everyone becomes more difficult. After dinner I told Hermes Department Entropy and the end of the Fund's hibernate and Cynthia Pontes who jumped at the opportunity and has made extraordinary hibernate and what are my ads preferred.
- We must get her out of there, Bandini - Hermes said.
- Who.
- Cynthia Pontes. In my opinion it does not do well to be hibernated.
- But you say.
- should be free.
- But stop. Chinchilla, chinchillas.
- Please do not disclose the password to the four winds.
We were silent for a while '. I could not watch TV, and then I started to fix the refrigerator. After a while, 'I realized that Hermes also looked at the fridge. In fact, the fridge is remarkable.
- Sorry if I might - I said at one point, without stopping to fix the refrigerator - ma quand’è che ti levi dal cazzo da casa mia?
– Presto, molto presto. Non appena le acque si sono calmate me ne torno nella Zona Deumanizzata. Il frigorifero è strepitoso, guarda che spigoli – ha mormorato, tutto concentrato.
L’altro giorno tornando a casa ho trovato chiuso dall’interno, ho suonato.
– Chi è?
– Ermete sono io, apri.
– Parola d’ordine.
– Che?
– Parola d’ordine.
– Ma che dici, apri!
– Parola d’ordine!
– Ma non la so! Cincillà!
Ermete ha aperto la porta.
– Come hai fatto a indovinare?
– La fortuna del principiante.
Si era chiuso dentro because he is terrified that sooner or later they find the secret services and other similar crap. The television was blaring. There were mounds of earth scattered on the floor and peanut shells and newspaper pages.
- What is this stye? - I asked.
- listen up. When you did the night shift at the Department Entropia was more beautiful by day we could get around, do things.
- What kind of things.
- Things.
- What things, Hermes.
- Things, did things, things, any things, and instead now look there, did you type career, now works by day and sleep at night, are you come, yes? At night, when you key your plastic doll six satisfied, yes? Done?
- I'm not talking with someone who chooses "chinchilla" as its watchword.
We had dinner in silence with two pizzas ordered by RapidoPizza. They were sick, had a moist texture, which is why I never let the tip. Domenico chewed a spider on the wall in front of me. Bathsheba, offended by the words of Hermes, has not dined with us, went to bed without dinner. Living with everyone becomes more difficult. After dinner I told Hermes Department Entropy and the end of the Fund's hibernate and Cynthia Pontes who jumped at the opportunity and has made extraordinary hibernate and what are my ads preferred.
- We must get her out of there, Bandini - Hermes said.
- Who.
- Cynthia Pontes. In my opinion it does not do well to be hibernated.
- But you say.
- should be free.
- But stop. Chinchilla, chinchillas.
- Please do not disclose the password to the four winds.
We were silent for a while '. I could not watch TV, and then I started to fix the refrigerator. After a while, 'I realized that Hermes also looked at the fridge. In fact, the fridge is remarkable.
- Sorry if I might - I said at one point, without stopping to fix the refrigerator - ma quand’è che ti levi dal cazzo da casa mia?
– Presto, molto presto. Non appena le acque si sono calmate me ne torno nella Zona Deumanizzata. Il frigorifero è strepitoso, guarda che spigoli – ha mormorato, tutto concentrato.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Zing Small Drawstring Lens Pouch -amazon
Little Big update. On 21 December
leave Ireland. Niamh
My friend says I'm an escape artist .
may be right. Certainly I have no more 'desire to get angry from Monday to Friday to bring me down to the weekend, making an effort great for studying.
It 'also possible that, to be unemployed, I get down from Monday to Sunday, but no ... Programs for reading and study there are, there 's only to find an everyday' where different to be able to implement them.
After 3 years I'll be back 'in Cebu: sun, sea and people smiling. And meet with 'someone I can chat with for almost a year to see how it goes.
If all goes well I buy my wife ... If not good, I move to Thailand, to embrace the tiger and meet with Buddhist monks.
I dropped several possibilities' work, and also a better proposal to remain where they are. It 's time to devote to something else.
So I'm alone and I pay for the shit that's just me.
the next.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Congratulations On Your New Baby In French
Una cena di festeggiamento
Penelope 5 mi ha invitato a cena per festeggiare il fatto che hanno accolto la sua domanda per la Cassa Ibernazione. Siamo andati a mangiare al McDonald's della stazione. Io ho preso: un Big Mac e una Cola media. Cinzia Pontesi ha preso: un McChicken e una Cola media. La Cola media fa schifo, a me piace molto la Cedrata Clebbino ma da McDonald's non ce l'hanno la cedrata Clebbino, neanche la cedrata McDonald's se è per questo. Invece il Big Mac è molto buono, come dice il sito di McDonald's la ricetta del Big Mac seduce i clienti di ogni età e di ogni luogo, in Italia come a New York, a Pechino come a Giacarta. E infatti mangiandolo mi fa sentire un po' a New York, un po' a Pechino, un po' a Giacarta, è incredibile, anche un po' in Italia, ma quello non è difficile in effetti. Il Big Mac è molto buono, io lo mangio in tre bocconi, quattro al massimo.
– Hai mangiato anche la confezione – mi ha detto Cinzia.
– Come dici?
– Hai mangiato anche la confezione del Big Mac, Bandini.
– Oh, sì. È molto buona, è buona quanto il panino.
Ed è vero, dovreste assaggiarla. Lo stesso sapore, identico.
Cynthia said this week the medical examination, and then the next week if the visit goes well (but it is routine, he said) put it into hibernation box. Early as next week.
- I'm as excited for a trip. And in fact it is a bit 'a trip, no? Oh, it will be like a long dream, like. I hope that is not a nightmare! You know that the hibernation box is very good for skin? Keeps it smooth and elastic, Penelope told me 8. I do not know how he knew. However, who knows when next we meet, Bandini. In a year, maybe two, or ten, who knows. Who knows what will wake up in ten years with the crisis over and having more or less the same physical age now, that is, that opportunity. My only regret is that I lose things, like the new series of District Police, but my sister told me that my records them. The nice thing is that I should not be too worried of what to do in the next ten years is a lot less stressful! What you do in the next decade Bandini?
- I never thought of. I think listen to the cleaning tape, I bags of earth, go to the hardware store, I will learn to tie my shoes, I will keep the Tibetan collection of thoughts, these things here.
Cynthia stared at me, he seemed disappointed, because I do not know if I had some things to do in the next ten years, or because I did not have enough. Jump to know. Cynthia has put on the table in McDonald's a bunch of keys.
- are the keys to my house - he said - I thought to leave you. But do not take us women eh? - He laughed.
pinch my eyes because of Cola. That's why I prefer the Cedrata Clebbino the Cedrata Clebbino does not pinch your eyes.
After we went walking towards his house, the sidewalk was covered with wet leaves that prevented me from seeing the underlying rows of pavé, so you do not step on the lines of a difficulty was exhausting, I was walking very slowly. Cynthia says:
- I hate autumn, the leaves should be above our heads, and not under the our feet, is a season upside down, I do not like.
- I like the idea of \u200b\u200bwalking upside down with the sky beneath my feet - I said.
- What a nice thing you said, is a song by Biagio Antonacci true?
I have done so with my head, because maybe it was. We arrived at the door of the house of Cynthia. I had the keys, so I tried to extract the keys from his pocket and slip them the first time in the lock, but obviously I did not succeed. We are able to, like, the thirteenth stroke. I opened the door and I pulled the keys and have me put in my pocket.
- So hello - I said and I went up to her face to kiss his cheek, ma anche lei ha girato la testa nella stessa direzione per baciarmi la guancia, sapete come succede quando succede, e così ci siamo per sbaglio baciati tipo sulle labbra. Sapeva di McChicken.
– Ops – ha detto Cinzia, e ha riso.
– Già, infatti – ho detto io, e ho tipo sorriso.
– Allora ciao – ho ripetuto.
– Ciao Bandini. Ci si vede tra un po'. Quando finisce la Cassa Ibernazione facciamo una festa.
– Va bene. Ciao.
– Ciao.
Sono tornato a casa a piedi, calpestando le foglie e le righe del pavè, avevo anche le scarpe slacciate e mi pizzicavano ancora gli occhi, certe volte non ne va una dritta.
Penelope 5 mi ha invitato a cena per festeggiare il fatto che hanno accolto la sua domanda per la Cassa Ibernazione. Siamo andati a mangiare al McDonald's della stazione. Io ho preso: un Big Mac e una Cola media. Cinzia Pontesi ha preso: un McChicken e una Cola media. La Cola media fa schifo, a me piace molto la Cedrata Clebbino ma da McDonald's non ce l'hanno la cedrata Clebbino, neanche la cedrata McDonald's se è per questo. Invece il Big Mac è molto buono, come dice il sito di McDonald's la ricetta del Big Mac seduce i clienti di ogni età e di ogni luogo, in Italia come a New York, a Pechino come a Giacarta. E infatti mangiandolo mi fa sentire un po' a New York, un po' a Pechino, un po' a Giacarta, è incredibile, anche un po' in Italia, ma quello non è difficile in effetti. Il Big Mac è molto buono, io lo mangio in tre bocconi, quattro al massimo.
– Hai mangiato anche la confezione – mi ha detto Cinzia.
– Come dici?
– Hai mangiato anche la confezione del Big Mac, Bandini.
– Oh, sì. È molto buona, è buona quanto il panino.
Ed è vero, dovreste assaggiarla. Lo stesso sapore, identico.
Cynthia said this week the medical examination, and then the next week if the visit goes well (but it is routine, he said) put it into hibernation box. Early as next week.
- I'm as excited for a trip. And in fact it is a bit 'a trip, no? Oh, it will be like a long dream, like. I hope that is not a nightmare! You know that the hibernation box is very good for skin? Keeps it smooth and elastic, Penelope told me 8. I do not know how he knew. However, who knows when next we meet, Bandini. In a year, maybe two, or ten, who knows. Who knows what will wake up in ten years with the crisis over and having more or less the same physical age now, that is, that opportunity. My only regret is that I lose things, like the new series of District Police, but my sister told me that my records them. The nice thing is that I should not be too worried of what to do in the next ten years is a lot less stressful! What you do in the next decade Bandini?
- I never thought of. I think listen to the cleaning tape, I bags of earth, go to the hardware store, I will learn to tie my shoes, I will keep the Tibetan collection of thoughts, these things here.
Cynthia stared at me, he seemed disappointed, because I do not know if I had some things to do in the next ten years, or because I did not have enough. Jump to know. Cynthia has put on the table in McDonald's a bunch of keys.
- are the keys to my house - he said - I thought to leave you. But do not take us women eh? - He laughed.
pinch my eyes because of Cola. That's why I prefer the Cedrata Clebbino the Cedrata Clebbino does not pinch your eyes.
After we went walking towards his house, the sidewalk was covered with wet leaves that prevented me from seeing the underlying rows of pavé, so you do not step on the lines of a difficulty was exhausting, I was walking very slowly. Cynthia says:
- I hate autumn, the leaves should be above our heads, and not under the our feet, is a season upside down, I do not like.
- I like the idea of \u200b\u200bwalking upside down with the sky beneath my feet - I said.
- What a nice thing you said, is a song by Biagio Antonacci true?
I have done so with my head, because maybe it was. We arrived at the door of the house of Cynthia. I had the keys, so I tried to extract the keys from his pocket and slip them the first time in the lock, but obviously I did not succeed. We are able to, like, the thirteenth stroke. I opened the door and I pulled the keys and have me put in my pocket.
- So hello - I said and I went up to her face to kiss his cheek, ma anche lei ha girato la testa nella stessa direzione per baciarmi la guancia, sapete come succede quando succede, e così ci siamo per sbaglio baciati tipo sulle labbra. Sapeva di McChicken.
– Ops – ha detto Cinzia, e ha riso.
– Già, infatti – ho detto io, e ho tipo sorriso.
– Allora ciao – ho ripetuto.
– Ciao Bandini. Ci si vede tra un po'. Quando finisce la Cassa Ibernazione facciamo una festa.
– Va bene. Ciao.
– Ciao.
Sono tornato a casa a piedi, calpestando le foglie e le righe del pavè, avevo anche le scarpe slacciate e mi pizzicavano ancora gli occhi, certe volte non ne va una dritta.
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