Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Congratulations On Your New Baby In French

Una cena di festeggiamento

Penelope 5 mi ha invitato a cena per festeggiare il fatto che hanno accolto la sua domanda per la Cassa Ibernazione. Siamo andati a mangiare al McDonald's della stazione. Io ho preso: un Big Mac e una Cola media. Cinzia Pontesi ha preso: un McChicken e una Cola media. La Cola media fa schifo, a me piace molto la Cedrata Clebbino ma da McDonald's non ce l'hanno la cedrata Clebbino, neanche la cedrata McDonald's se è per questo. Invece il Big Mac è molto buono, come dice il sito di McDonald's la ricetta del Big Mac seduce i clienti di ogni età e di ogni luogo, in Italia come a New York, a Pechino come a Giacarta. E infatti mangiandolo mi fa sentire un po' a New York, un po' a Pechino, un po' a Giacarta, è incredibile, anche un po' in Italia, ma quello non è difficile in effetti. Il Big Mac è molto buono, io lo mangio in tre bocconi, quattro al massimo.
– Hai mangiato anche la confezione – mi ha detto Cinzia.
– Come dici?
– Hai mangiato anche la confezione del Big Mac, Bandini.
– Oh, sì. È molto buona, è buona quanto il panino.
Ed è vero, dovreste assaggiarla. Lo stesso sapore, identico.
Cynthia said this week the medical examination, and then the next week if the visit goes well (but it is routine, he said) put it into hibernation box. Early as next week.
- I'm as excited for a trip. And in fact it is a bit 'a trip, no? Oh, it will be like a long dream, like. I hope that is not a nightmare! You know that the hibernation box is very good for skin? Keeps it smooth and elastic, Penelope told me 8. I do not know how he knew. However, who knows when next we meet, Bandini. In a year, maybe two, or ten, who knows. Who knows what will wake up in ten years with the crisis over and having more or less the same physical age now, that is, that opportunity. My only regret is that I lose things, like the new series of District Police, but my sister told me that my records them. The nice thing is that I should not be too worried of what to do in the next ten years is a lot less stressful! What you do in the next decade Bandini?
- I never thought of. I think listen to the cleaning tape, I bags of earth, go to the hardware store, I will learn to tie my shoes, I will keep the Tibetan collection of thoughts, these things here.
Cynthia stared at me, he seemed disappointed, because I do not know if I had some things to do in the next ten years, or because I did not have enough. Jump to know. Cynthia has put on the table in McDonald's a bunch of keys.
- are the keys to my house - he said - I thought to leave you. But do not take us women eh? - He laughed.
pinch my eyes because of Cola. That's why I prefer the Cedrata Clebbino the Cedrata Clebbino does not pinch your eyes.
After we went walking towards his house, the sidewalk was covered with wet leaves that prevented me from seeing the underlying rows of pavé, so you do not step on the lines of a difficulty was exhausting, I was walking very slowly. Cynthia says:
- I hate autumn, the leaves should be above our heads, and not under the our feet, is a season upside down, I do not like.
- I like the idea of \u200b\u200bwalking upside down with the sky beneath my feet - I said.
- What a nice thing you said, is a song by Biagio Antonacci true?
I have done so with my head, because maybe it was. We arrived at the door of the house of Cynthia. I had the keys, so I tried to extract the keys from his pocket and slip them the first time in the lock, but obviously I did not succeed. We are able to, like, the thirteenth stroke. I opened the door and I pulled the keys and have me put in my pocket.
- So hello - I said and I went up to her face to kiss his cheek, ma anche lei ha girato la testa nella stessa direzione per baciarmi la guancia, sapete come succede quando succede, e così ci siamo per sbaglio baciati tipo sulle labbra. Sapeva di McChicken.
– Ops – ha detto Cinzia, e ha riso.
– Già, infatti – ho detto io, e ho tipo sorriso.
– Allora ciao – ho ripetuto.
– Ciao Bandini. Ci si vede tra un po'. Quando finisce la Cassa Ibernazione facciamo una festa.
– Va bene. Ciao.
– Ciao.
Sono tornato a casa a piedi, calpestando le foglie e le righe del pavè, avevo anche le scarpe slacciate e mi pizzicavano ancora gli occhi, certe volte non ne va una dritta.


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