Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mud In My Rubber Boots

Il perché della tv

L'altra sera sono andato a cercare Ermete Dossi nella Zona Deumanizzata. Volevo capire che cosa lo aveva spinto ad andare in tv a Criminali Buffi. L'ho trovato nel suo appartamento diroccato, seduto su uno sgabello al centro della stanza, illuminata da una vecchia lampada ad acetilene. Stava rosicchiando una radice.
- Chi è? - ha detto Ermete, con tono leggermente allarmato.
- Ti ho visto in tv - ho detto.
- Ah, sei tu.
- Cosa stai masticando?
- Una radice.
- What?
- Boh. I found it in the yard.
- It 's good?
- He knows - he thought for a moment - the root.
- The old flavors of the past.
- How come, on TV?
- Why did you go? You fucked up everything. Now the secret services or who knows who will not take long to find you. You did something for the money?
- No, I need the money. I was bored, I wanted to see a little 'TV. Except that here there is no electricity, no nothing. A few days ago we presented a chick. Do you remember a certain Olga once came to you? Asking where I was?
- Of course. Said to be your girlfriend.
- Instead it was a television. One of Criminali Buffi. Volevano fare una puntata su di me.
- E come hanno scoperto che vivevi nella Zona Deumanizzata? Io non gli ho detto niente.
- Che ne so io. Ti avrà seguito di nascosto una volta che venivi qua. Così, si presenta questa tizia e mi propone di andare in tv. Io, come ti dicevo, volevo vedere un po' di tv, e non avendo una tv, qua, ho pensato che potevo andare direttamente in tv. A vederla da dentro.
- E com'è, da dentro?
Ermete ha sputato un pezzo di radice in terra.
- Non lo so.
- Come, non lo sai.
- Non lo so. Non sei mai dentro la televisione. Ero in uno studio ed ero di spalle, per non farmi riconoscere.
- Già, peccato che hanno fatto il tuo nome. Sanno che sei stato on TV. Does not take long to find you.
- However, there was this camera that I take it back, that's all. There was a spotlight and there were people next to the camera, technicians, studio assistants. They put the microphone. But the TV I do not know where it was. That was the reality.
- Where do you think of ending.
- I do not know, I thought to see everything in pixels, to enter into a room where everything was of pixels, the pixels of my body, where everything was flat and colored. But it was completely normal. I know it's not there that makes the tv, the tv in the homes of people you like.
- Where did you get that acetylene lamp?
- I found it in the cellar.
- How it works
- In the tank than there is water under there is calcium carbide. When the water drop in the carbide is formed by chemical reaction of acetylene, which comes from that spout. Just bring a lit match and caught fire.
- looks like a coffee maker.
- I thought it was. I also tried to make us coffee but had a taste sour. Then, I realized that was not a coffee pot, a lamp was acetylene.
- How do you know the chemical reaction? Calcium carbide and so on?
- I read once on a frame I Appliance.
- This conversation makes no sense, you realize? Hermes
hinted a smile.
- you know - he said - long ago, back when I did not live in Zone dehumanized, I met a guy. Hermes
I waited to go ahead with the story, but remained silent, chewing the root. After a while, 'we were shut up I've broken the silence.
- And you would often?
- What?
- to meet a guy.
- Continuously - said, in a faint voice.


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