The delivery of the consecrated life
accepting his Work of every religious institute, as true family members, Chiara Lubich was able to speak with the scope of their charisma and dynamism of renewal and growth. He left a rich variety of teaching so that he earned a doctorate honoris causa in Theology of Consecrated Life.
the third anniversary of his departure for the sky by Chiara Lubich: laws
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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then I'll explain why you do these questions!
What do you think the characteristics of a parent in the creative relationship with the children?
What do you mean by creativity of a parent in the relationship with their children?
What are the obstacles that make it difficult for a parent to be creative in the relationship with their children?
then I'll explain why you do these questions!
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Clare Way to Easter: driving
If we do not know the road map is very useful. But if we have a person who already know the path, una guida, è tutta un’altra cosa! Non dobbiamo preoccuparci di decifrare i segnali; ci mettiamo nelle sue mani e siamo tranquilli di arrivare alla meta.
Così è con te, Gesù. Tu la strada la conosci bene: siamo diretti verso la tua casa, da dove sei venuto. Più che una guida sei proprio la “Via ”!!! Basta ascoltare la tua voce, seguirti, metterci nelle tue mani. Il cammino sarà sicuro e certa la meta.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Way to Easter: The map
Una volta scelta la meta e i compagni di viaggio, se non conosciamo bene la strada si studia la mappa. La then keep tabs on you along the way, do not get lost.
for our journey towards Easter, a stage for what will take us far beyond, to the ultimate goal, Heaven, the map sure is the Gospel. It shows us where to go, places to avoid dangerous, the most appropriate support ... use it every day to see if indeed we are on track and to understand the steps.
It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the journey, right on the first Sunday of Lent, Jesus reminds us that "one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." The "daily bread" is the food of every day, as is the word of God, to eat, chew, taste, treat every day, just like bread, until it becomes our very life.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Way to Easter: the companions
These two evenings, after dinner, I was talking to people from neighboring parishes, together agreed to the withdrawal of Lent begins. Also participates in the parish of the Oblates of the SS. Crucified. A man came immediately after I had submitted, he did not know then who I was. Eventually, he came up with what I was talking to oblivion and said about me: "It's about just like one of you! Simple, easy ... seems like an Oblate. " What can you do, we have the trademark.
How sad journey alone. You can take business to go and find someone ... But a real trip, to a pretty place, those who are prepared with care, those who do not sleep the night before because you're excited to go to a place new adventure, should be made together as time goes faster, it helps us, encourages you if you happen to be wrong road, we share new discoveries, the joys and difficulties.
So even for the journey of Lent, and even more for the great journey of life. We must organize with friends, agree with them and become fellow travelers. Together is better looking, safer, and the goal is certain. Ours is a journey of the Church!
Then there are those who have already arrived and are rooting for us, we are close ... and he spoke with them from time to time, request a hand ...
The important thing is we are never alone.
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A small error fatal
Yes, a little mistake I will pay dearly. I have already paid in terms of money, several, painfully saved. A small error due to not having listened to the bottom of my heart. And thought to having a good job in a village populated by gray ghost I could take it again ... The error was be back too soon, without a wife .
Anyway, here at last picture.
Yes, a little mistake I will pay dearly. I have already paid in terms of money, several, painfully saved. A small error due to not having listened to the bottom of my heart. And thought to having a good job in a village populated by gray ghost I could take it again ... The error was be back too soon, without a wife .
Anyway, here at last picture.
Click here to view larger pictures These
Click here to view larger pictures These
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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a parent and another day is gone ...

Today I looked through a beautiful book of photos of Modena in the 60 Fotomuseo published by Panini.
I found this picture and I think, like me, you will recognize with amazement the boy photographed: the difference between the appearance of then and today aware of the past since then.
An image of the book that impressed me very much is a photo of the computer center of the Municipality of Modena in the early 60s.
In large room, where there were the first computers, hanging on the wall, there was a sign on which was written just a word. I believe that, as one could guess what was that word, do not ever guess.
The sign contained the words reflect . And I came to ask, but nowadays people want the workers in the workplace reflect? If anything might be hung signs saying does not reflect, you lose time: Run and think.
PS: For those who have not recognized the boy in the photo is Frank Sinatra.
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Way to Easter: With the goal
It's nice to leave the house to stretch their legs, get some fresh air, the wandering mind, walk the streets aimlessly, looking at the sky, the world go by, the trees in bloom, the windows of the city. But it is a trip!
A journey, because this is, first reaches out toward a goal, comes the question: "Where are we going?". It is the goal that attracts with its powerful suggestion. The goal is more beautiful, far more than the journey promises to be attractive.
As the journey has just begun Lent, which runs up to Easter, to the encounter with the Risen One. It's there waiting, waiting for Mary Magdalene as the early morning before sunrise. The heart is pointed down there on the goal, on Him
too seductive not the goal for reaching out toward it, only to lose on the road, not to ignite his burning desire and anxiety to meet him.
solemn celebration in the afternoon at the College of Propaganda Fide, with Diaz and Cardinal Tomko to commemorate the 10 years since the death of Fr Marcello Zago. IMO the present superior general, the relatives, many celebrants. "The mission was all for Archbishop Zago - said card. Tomko homily -. What mission and why? During the period in which we discussed very essence of the mission and identity of the missionary, for him, the Mission, with the capital, the only thing he sought in life, lay in cooperation with the salvific plan of Jesus Christ, indeed, was a continuation of the redemptive mission of Christ himself, as he outlined and desired the Savior: "As the Father has sent me (Misitano me - sent me on a mission), so I send you" (Jn 20, 21). "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ... Here I am with you always, until the end of the world "(Mt 28, 19-20). Archbishop Zago For the mission to which he was ordained by God himself admits in his will "All that I could accomplish in life, is actually the work of the Trinity, and we are simple cooperators "." To read the entire homily click here
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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The chorus of the charisma of Chiara Lubich
Today, flying, I read a small extraordinary book, a gem: Chiara my sister . two profiles appear sincere and honest, especially Gino Lubich. I remember him mainly for simplicity and "humility" with which he greeted me when I went to visit him at home to prepare together the biography of St. Eugene de Mazenod.
Because of my professional deformation I like to quote what he says of the "collective spirituality" as a fundamental dimension of Clare and his movement:
The difference compared to other [founding] is perhaps in the chorus. That is, if you were to write the history of the movement, I think you should come out community. here because many times I gave a little 'annoyance is always mentioned to one person: I thought too, took off value to a story that was by the community from the outset and not only made by followers who are only a crown ...
I see the movement as something units, solid, in which all have their own important role, apart from that of someone who had the inspiration, all are absolutely necessary to understand the phenomenon. Remove Chiara as the most unknown of the Focolare Movement in the Philippines is difficult to infer a wound heal. Maybe we are not yet in able to assess this "reality, but I think this is the difference between the ideal of unity and all other gifts. (p. 36-37)
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Delve into history.
The archives can be a tomb, or the source of life. Today I was in the archive of the Oblates in Marseille. A blast from the past, a boundless wealth of documents, the testimony of two centuries of a divine adventure: a book donated to St. Eugene from his first mate, with a lot of dedication, St. Eugene's notes on the first visit to the community; the seals with his coat of arms, documents and writings filled with the wisdom of a thousand Oblates that followed, the testimony of the missionaries in Africa and Asia ... Do you feel part of a life that has traveled through time and now comes to you and asks you to be continued and passed on. It is a strong push that comes from the past, so many brothers who encourage you to take the baton and continue the race.
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8 +3 = 11
This year's International Women's Day falls on a day arithmetically correct (8/3/11). We hope that bodes well.
We hope that there are more errors on the part of anyone being aware of ' essence of the feminine and the need for its enhancement.
I believe that every man should have an attitude of wonder and fascination in almost awareness of the existence of this other dimension to him, but he is concerned deeply and completely così mirabilmente.
Non sono parole di piaggeria, perchè credo profondamente nell' uguaglianza di valore tra maschile e femminile: è la valorizzazione dell'altro che ritengo assolutamente necessaria, anche per dare valore a sè stessi e per crescere attraverso la relazione con l'altro.
Le relazioni, tutte le relazioni, possono essere basate sulla prevaricazione o sul rispetto reciproco.
Per combattere il male bisogna fare il bene, dice l' I King . Allora il mio augurio è che tutti cerchiamo di mettere in pratica il più possibile il bene nelle relazioni tra maschile e femminile, anche perchè questo è il modo migliore di fare crescere i figli, che poi siamo tutti noi, regardless of gender.
who devalued the opposite sex before the children, with words or gestures, is responsible for them in a grave offense. It should never be in question the equal value of both sexes, the problem is, if anything, is the difficulty in the report within that specific pair.
who consider themselves superior to the other, those who use the other for the realization of their needs, those who use violence and oppression on the other, those who can not stay in a truly equal relationship, a person is poor: poor soul, poor soul, poor humanity.
And I think this should definitely taught our children.
This year's International Women's Day falls on a day arithmetically correct (8/3/11). We hope that bodes well.
We hope that there are more errors on the part of anyone being aware of ' essence of the feminine and the need for its enhancement.
I believe that every man should have an attitude of wonder and fascination in almost awareness of the existence of this other dimension to him, but he is concerned deeply and completely così mirabilmente.
Non sono parole di piaggeria, perchè credo profondamente nell' uguaglianza di valore tra maschile e femminile: è la valorizzazione dell'altro che ritengo assolutamente necessaria, anche per dare valore a sè stessi e per crescere attraverso la relazione con l'altro.
Le relazioni, tutte le relazioni, possono essere basate sulla prevaricazione o sul rispetto reciproco.
Per combattere il male bisogna fare il bene, dice l' I King . Allora il mio augurio è che tutti cerchiamo di mettere in pratica il più possibile il bene nelle relazioni tra maschile e femminile, anche perchè questo è il modo migliore di fare crescere i figli, che poi siamo tutti noi, regardless of gender.
who devalued the opposite sex before the children, with words or gestures, is responsible for them in a grave offense. It should never be in question the equal value of both sexes, the problem is, if anything, is the difficulty in the report within that specific pair.
who consider themselves superior to the other, those who use the other for the realization of their needs, those who use violence and oppression on the other, those who can not stay in a truly equal relationship, a person is poor: poor soul, poor soul, poor humanity.
And I think this should definitely taught our children.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Under the sun of Provence
Under a radiant sun shines bright colors today Aix in Provence. On the streets there is an air of festive Sunday. In one of the course controviali stalls displaying their craft and the earth, with all the elegance of France and the characteristic Touch one end sloppiness. I used books, displayed in the village square, making it even more chic.
Frank Santucci us to know the extraordinary intense pastoral work of St. Eugene Bishop of Marseilles, Sainte Marie Lorraine evolution of teaching pastoral University-St Paul, Luc Tardif missionary impulse given by the Eugene to his missionaries in Canada.
In the morning our "Conversations" is moved to one of the halls of the episcopate. The Bishop no longer lived in the episcopal palace he met Eugene: a palace with all the trimmings, not for nothing was the only house to be called "palace", while all the other noble houses were "hotel"! Today this historic building is a museum.
afternoon, the last transfer of the "Conversations", this time in the room overlooking the cloister de Mazenod Oblate, and it's time for a broad dialogue among all. Interview day and ending with the mass at the Church of the Mission, where he sings in Provence!
Eugene continues to live and move us forward in faith with courage and imagination.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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The transmission of faith in life and ministry of St. Eugene de Mazenod
Mrs. Chelini-Pont, a professor of history at the University of Aix, opened the morning with a brilliant lecture on the situation of the Church after the French Revolution. When speaking of the St. Eugene's eyes shone with joy.
later in the afternoon with a three headings: Frank Santucci on how to de Mazenod, a bishop, he passed on the faith in his diocese of Marseilles, I now how the Oblates continue the missionary work of the beginning: where they are, what they do, how they do it, Professor Lorraine Sainte Marie at work dell’università St-Paul a Ottawa per la trasmissione della fede. Lorraine, arrivata ieri sera dal Canada, è vestita modestamente, come è arrivata… la valigia si è persa in qualche aeroporto!
Thus began our "Conversations" on "The transmission of faith in life and ministry of St. Eugene de Mazenod. Organized by fr. Dossolin Dominique, head of the Oblate spirituality center in Aix, the conversation opens the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the death of St. Eugene. Followed by other initiatives: the pilgrimage a Marsiglia, l’Oratorio su sant’Eugenio… vedi:
L’incontro si tiene nell’anfiteatro della Città del Libro, un grande centro culturale con al centro la biblioteca cittadina La Méjanes ; una biblioteca nella quale forse sarà custodita la ricca collezione di scritti sulla Provenza e Aix che negli anni sono stati raccolti nella casa degli Oblati. A La Méjanes sono già custoditi tutti i documenti della famiglia de Mazenod, dal bisnonno del Fondatore in avanti, compresi tanti manoscritti di sant’Eugenio, come le lettere al padre; alcuni, assieme a delle stampe, sono esposti per l’occasione.
Lunch, which take part in many of the participants, served in the courtyard of beautifully restored house oblate.
In the afternoon program starts with the bishop of Aix, which talks about the transmission of faith today in Aix. In the morning there was the bishop of Marseilles.
Circa 200 i partecipanti, che intervengono, durante tutta la giornata, con domande e contributi. Tra loro amici e intellettuali. Conosco in particolare la responsabile del patrimonio culturale di Marsiglia, interessatissima a sant’Eugenio. A lei non interessa tanto la sua santità; per lei de Mazenod è soprattutto un grande urbanista che ha dato un timbro alla città di Marsiglia e sotto questo aspetto c’è ancora tutto da studiare… Verrà a Roma a consultare l’archivio of the General House!
Pictured above: Chelini-Pont
In the photo below: Lorraine Sainte Marie, Luc Tardif (talk tomorrow), Frank Santucci, Dominique Dossolin
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Walking with St. Eugene de Mazenod Aix Aix
Aix, a city made for walking. The traffic-free streets are always new even if you travel more than once. Some crowded and lively, others deserted and silent. The walls of the buildings, with smooth stones ocher, emit heat and light even when the day is gray and quickly as today. The shops follow one another lively and imaginative. People is happy, like a continual feast.
I spasseggiata far and wide throughout the day in the life of St. Eugene. I have been on good course to see the family mansion, where he had served and revered by twelve servants, the palace where the mother lived to return from exile, until he left to go into the community which had given life. I saw her sister's house, where it was often a bishop, still inhabited by descendants of one of the most beautiful city. I passed the college where he studied as a child, the large building where a young man went to parties, to prison dove si prendeva cura dei detenuti, il gioiello della cattedrale medievale dove ha predicato la grande missione del 1820...
Alla chiesa della Maddalena l’ho ascoltato mentre la mattina presto, in dialetto, spiegava alla gente semplice, alla servitù, agli artigiani, la loro grande dignità: «Venite ad imparare da noi cosa siete agli occhi della fede. Poveri di Gesù Cristo, afflitti, disgraziati, sofferenti, infermi, piagati..., voi tutti oppressi dalla miseria, fratelli miei, miei cari fratelli, miei rispettabili fratelli, ascoltatemi. Voi siete i figli di Dio, i fratelli di Gesù Cristo, i coeredi del suo Regno eterno, la chosen portion of his inheritance, ye are, as stated in S. Peter, a holy nation, you are king, you are priests, you are, somehow, gods, sons of the Most High. "
After being a day with him, maybe tomorrow will be better to talk to his people of Aix.
The first picture is the Palace de Mazenod, the last of the Magdalene church
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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For the Mission Church
horizon I see the ridge of rocks west of the airport and around the plain white with sea pines twisted as olive trees. The short journey to Aix-en-Provence I still immersed in the nature of this country ancient Provence.
I had never dropped in on Marseille plane. The arrival of the city is announced by the limestone massif of Les Calanques, severe, dry, jagged, which apparently ruffled drops and gullies. Now you opens the old port and the castle of If you can see the sanctuary of the Madonna della Guardia, the cathedral. So the sun illuminates the clouds and the soft padding. Eugene has never been able to give a hug to his city so large. Crossing the aero plana Marseille Marignane airport. Already, Marignane! I wonder how it has been two hundred years ago, in November 1816, when St. Eugene I preached one of his first missions? Today it has 34,000 inhabitants, then it was 1,600. It was the fourth mission of the tiny community of the Missionaries of Provence. Eugene kept a detailed diary throughout the month, thus giving us a way of getting to the heart of the mission. They began with a visit to the families, a genuine novelty, then, guided "really not funny, but are important as they approached the missionaries to the people who come to evangelize. It shows it in all the affability of a charity that does everything to everyone ... Should take care to enter all homes, even in those where it is expected that you will be greeted evil. "
Back to Aix after fifteen years and I find myself at home. The first visit to the mission church. I can just walk to feel the presence of St. Eugene and there, beside him, that of Francesco Saverio Tempier. Yes, I'm right here!
Before the construction of the church in this place there was a mill and a large pine tree under which the Protestants preached and prayed. During the first war of religion in 1545, the pine was used to hang the Protestants. Some twenty years after the king, in passing, he did cut as a sign of reconciliation. Then arose the church, by the Carmelites, who built the convent. When the revolution sent home the religious, the church became a temple of the Goddess of Reason! How many stories of goodness and evil in this place ... Now it's "Mission Church" or the "Church of the Oblates."
In the niche on the right, next to the altar, I see with surprise the old statue of the Madonna delle Grazie, brought to Aix by St. Bonaventure, the statue in front of which the young people of St. Eugene asked him for healing el 'got! They took her here because the church of the Madeleine, where there was always, it is now being restored. We hope that forget qui, nella nostra chiesa oblata.
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the good thing too
The crippled too.
Extremes meet.
Once it was the little, today is too much that puts us in a crisis.
Too many stimuli, too much information, too many possibilities to choose such trivial: we saturate the time, we do not feel sufficiently prepared, small and powerless. You can not know everything, we can not investigate everything, but great is the temptation to try to do it. The
too produces nothing, it makes it difficult to stay with the thoughts really essential, there is release, it makes us feel useless, small and long depresses us.
games of power become the new Olympus, where sit the Department, which govern global scientific issues, the possibility to contribute to the problems of large group there appears to be almost inaccessible. We look like puppets, or so we perceive it.
There do not seem to count for nothing, unless they sold their souls to power and accept to become a dominant part of the hierarchy, after throwing away the colorful clothes and have served our spirit with a dress gray gloom.
What should we save us? What can save us? What that allows us to look in the mirror and recognize with joy our humanity, the value of our being? If we have any
response which we think valid condividiamola with others and do not ever forget it, because that is exactly what the Department would like to make us feel weak and distractors manipulate us better.
The crippled too.
Extremes meet.
Once it was the little, today is too much that puts us in a crisis.
Too many stimuli, too much information, too many possibilities to choose such trivial: we saturate the time, we do not feel sufficiently prepared, small and powerless. You can not know everything, we can not investigate everything, but great is the temptation to try to do it. The
too produces nothing, it makes it difficult to stay with the thoughts really essential, there is release, it makes us feel useless, small and long depresses us.
games of power become the new Olympus, where sit the Department, which govern global scientific issues, the possibility to contribute to the problems of large group there appears to be almost inaccessible. We look like puppets, or so we perceive it.
There do not seem to count for nothing, unless they sold their souls to power and accept to become a dominant part of the hierarchy, after throwing away the colorful clothes and have served our spirit with a dress gray gloom.
What should we save us? What can save us? What that allows us to look in the mirror and recognize with joy our humanity, the value of our being? If we have any
response which we think valid condividiamola with others and do not ever forget it, because that is exactly what the Department would like to make us feel weak and distractors manipulate us better.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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dialogue "real" between the two sides
La distanza tra la Libia e l’Italia è più breve di quella tra Milano e Verona. Le due sponde del Mediterraneo non sono mai state tanto vicine tra di loro come in questi giorni e forse mai così lontane. Guardiamo increduli e impotenti le tragedie che si stanno consumando a pochi chilometri da casa nostra, attorno al “Mare Nostrum”.
Mi ha colpito sentire rievocare dai media la Realpolitik che i nostri governi europei hanno intrattenuto con quelli del Medio Oriente and North Africa, the political "realist" or "concrete" which looks at the economic interests without regard to ethical principles. What kind of realism is, I wondered, what for years has been unable or unwilling to see the "real" situation of entire populations to exploitation and oppression by rulers who have managed public affairs as a private affair? The dialogue between North and South of the Mediterranean in recent decades has been influenced by a colonial mentality that still goes to another only for their own interest.
The tenth anniversary of the death of his father Marcello Zago, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the great architects of the dialogue, the strategist historic meeting between religious leaders held 25 years ago in Assisi, I recalled the day when I took him in Prato, where he gave a lecture on Role of Religions for Peace and Cooperation . A mayors gathered here from different cities around the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, recalled the prophetic words with the need for dialogue and education especially in the dialogue: "Respect, cooperation, freedom, reciprocity are living requirements common these attitudes and values \u200b\u200bcan not be bought at once and once and for all. They are a way to go, have a culture to promote. Dialogue is a necessity in the current globalized world, diverse and mobile. It is a responsibility of all religions. Its exercise requires mass education that constitutes a violation prejudices also requires respect for human rights, which always takes place between people and specific groups. Adequate training on the existence and nature of other religions is a necessary way .... "
We can not just delegate to the political relations between our peoples. Realpolitik that the face on his way, but that is neither the only nor the main route for relationships. What most people are not jumping over the "real" and that people should have the possibility knowledge of "real" other people. We can no longer stand by and watch. Only then does not tell more than the 167 km stretch of sea "divide" the South and North of the Mediterranean, but unites them.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Marcello Zago and the Assisi event of 1986 - the video
March 1, 2011 Was The tenth anniversary of the death of Archbishop Marcello Zago. In Italy, the celebrations of this event Took place at Villorba, in the provinces of Treviso, His birthplace. The celebration Was Organized by his family, with the involvement of the parish, the diocese and the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
On Saturday, February 26, the memorial took place in the parish. After projection of a video on the Day of Prayer for Peace held in Assisi on October 27, 1986, Fr. Fabio CIARDI, Director of Oblate Studies and Research, gave a conference on the role of Fr. Zago in the preparation and realization of that day. This year, in fact, is the 25 th anniversary of an event that was a milestone in Interreligious dialogue, one that marked the path of the Church and religions around the world, “an image,” as Fr. Zago wrote, “and a portent of what religious persons should be for society: intercessors with God for peace, builders of peace among men,” icons of the unity among the children of God, of the real possibility of dialogue, of friendship and of communion among all.
On Sunday, February 27, the Eucharist was presided by Archbishop Gianfranco Agostino Gardin, of Treviso. Participating were the Superior General of the Oblates, Fr. Louis LOUGEN, together with many confreres and friends of Fr. Zago.
With the Assisi event, Fr. Marcello Zago took leave of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, having been recently elected Superior General of the Oblates. The results of Assisi would not end there. As he prophesied at that time, “For those who want to understand the nature and the path of interfaith dialogue in the Church and the world, the prayer meeting in Assisi on October 27, 1986, will remain a crucial step, and an even more important symbol.”
In that day, he saw above all a confirmation of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. What the Council had stated in its documents, at Assisi was “expressed in a solemn way and understood by all, broadcast by the media. In Assisi, the welcoming of religious leaders and their presence at the prayer of different religions were in some way a recognition of religion and in particular of prayer, a recognition that religion and prayer have not only a social role, but also effectiveness with God. ( Fabio Ciardi, OMI )
On Saturday, February 26, the memorial took place in the parish. After projection of a video on the Day of Prayer for Peace held in Assisi on October 27, 1986, Fr. Fabio CIARDI, Director of Oblate Studies and Research, gave a conference on the role of Fr. Zago in the preparation and realization of that day. This year, in fact, is the 25 th anniversary of an event that was a milestone in Interreligious dialogue, one that marked the path of the Church and religions around the world, “an image,” as Fr. Zago wrote, “and a portent of what religious persons should be for society: intercessors with God for peace, builders of peace among men,” icons of the unity among the children of God, of the real possibility of dialogue, of friendship and of communion among all.
On Sunday, February 27, the Eucharist was presided by Archbishop Gianfranco Agostino Gardin, of Treviso. Participating were the Superior General of the Oblates, Fr. Louis LOUGEN, together with many confreres and friends of Fr. Zago.
With the Assisi event, Fr. Marcello Zago took leave of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, having been recently elected Superior General of the Oblates. The results of Assisi would not end there. As he prophesied at that time, “For those who want to understand the nature and the path of interfaith dialogue in the Church and the world, the prayer meeting in Assisi on October 27, 1986, will remain a crucial step, and an even more important symbol.”
In that day, he saw above all a confirmation of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. What the Council had stated in its documents, at Assisi was “expressed in a solemn way and understood by all, broadcast by the media. In Assisi, the welcoming of religious leaders and their presence at the prayer of different religions were in some way a recognition of religion and in particular of prayer, a recognition that religion and prayer have not only a social role, but also effectiveness with God. ( Fabio Ciardi, OMI )
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