Aix, a city made for walking. The traffic-free streets are always new even if you travel more than once. Some crowded and lively, others deserted and silent. The walls of the buildings, with smooth stones ocher, emit heat and light even when the day is gray and quickly as today. The shops follow one another lively and imaginative. People is happy, like a continual feast.
I spasseggiata far and wide throughout the day in the life of St. Eugene. I have been on good course to see the family mansion, where he had served and revered by twelve servants, the palace where the mother lived to return from exile, until he left to go into the community which had given life. I saw her sister's house, where it was often a bishop, still inhabited by descendants of one of the most beautiful city. I passed the college where he studied as a child, the large building where a young man went to parties, to prison dove si prendeva cura dei detenuti, il gioiello della cattedrale medievale dove ha predicato la grande missione del 1820...
Alla chiesa della Maddalena l’ho ascoltato mentre la mattina presto, in dialetto, spiegava alla gente semplice, alla servitù, agli artigiani, la loro grande dignità: «Venite ad imparare da noi cosa siete agli occhi della fede. Poveri di Gesù Cristo, afflitti, disgraziati, sofferenti, infermi, piagati..., voi tutti oppressi dalla miseria, fratelli miei, miei cari fratelli, miei rispettabili fratelli, ascoltatemi. Voi siete i figli di Dio, i fratelli di Gesù Cristo, i coeredi del suo Regno eterno, la chosen portion of his inheritance, ye are, as stated in S. Peter, a holy nation, you are king, you are priests, you are, somehow, gods, sons of the Most High. "
After being a day with him, maybe tomorrow will be better to talk to his people of Aix.
The first picture is the Palace de Mazenod, the last of the Magdalene church
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