Saturday, March 12, 2011

Watch Batteries Die When I Wear Watches

Way to Easter: The map

Una volta scelta la meta e i compagni di viaggio, se non conosciamo bene la strada si studia la mappa. La then keep tabs on you along the way, do not get lost.
for our journey towards Easter, a stage for what will take us far beyond, to the ultimate goal, Heaven, the map sure is the Gospel. It shows us where to go, places to avoid dangerous, the most appropriate support ... use it every day to see if indeed we are on track and to understand the steps.
It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the journey, right on the first Sunday of Lent, Jesus reminds us that "one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." The "daily bread" is the food of every day, as is the word of God, to eat, chew, taste, treat every day, just like bread, until it becomes our very life.


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