La distanza tra la Libia e l’Italia è più breve di quella tra Milano e Verona. Le due sponde del Mediterraneo non sono mai state tanto vicine tra di loro come in questi giorni e forse mai così lontane. Guardiamo increduli e impotenti le tragedie che si stanno consumando a pochi chilometri da casa nostra, attorno al “Mare Nostrum”.
Mi ha colpito sentire rievocare dai media la Realpolitik che i nostri governi europei hanno intrattenuto con quelli del Medio Oriente and North Africa, the political "realist" or "concrete" which looks at the economic interests without regard to ethical principles. What kind of realism is, I wondered, what for years has been unable or unwilling to see the "real" situation of entire populations to exploitation and oppression by rulers who have managed public affairs as a private affair? The dialogue between North and South of the Mediterranean in recent decades has been influenced by a colonial mentality that still goes to another only for their own interest.
The tenth anniversary of the death of his father Marcello Zago, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the great architects of the dialogue, the strategist historic meeting between religious leaders held 25 years ago in Assisi, I recalled the day when I took him in Prato, where he gave a lecture on Role of Religions for Peace and Cooperation . A mayors gathered here from different cities around the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, recalled the prophetic words with the need for dialogue and education especially in the dialogue: "Respect, cooperation, freedom, reciprocity are living requirements common these attitudes and values \u200b\u200bcan not be bought at once and once and for all. They are a way to go, have a culture to promote. Dialogue is a necessity in the current globalized world, diverse and mobile. It is a responsibility of all religions. Its exercise requires mass education that constitutes a violation prejudices also requires respect for human rights, which always takes place between people and specific groups. Adequate training on the existence and nature of other religions is a necessary way .... "
We can not just delegate to the political relations between our peoples. Realpolitik that the face on his way, but that is neither the only nor the main route for relationships. What most people are not jumping over the "real" and that people should have the possibility knowledge of "real" other people. We can no longer stand by and watch. Only then does not tell more than the 167 km stretch of sea "divide" the South and North of the Mediterranean, but unites them.
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