Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sunbeam Canopy Tanning

One book, many books, part two.


instead of an entirely different caliber is the best La souffrance à distance , Luc Boltanski, dated 1993, and published in 2000 under the title The spectacle of the pain. Moral humanitarian, media and politics . It 'a re-reading, because I had already read, skipping all but the central part, an unknown number of years ago. This is a very well-structured text from beginning to end, scaffolding and content consistent exhaustive.

The author establishes the modern ' policy pity ', that the specific form it has assumed in modern times the employment problem of the suffering of others, in Theory of Moral Sentiments Adam Smith of , for which the involvement is AS A CONDITION TO ATTEND THAT disinterested spectator to the interaction of a persecutor (OR BENEFACTOR) AN UNHAPPY. In this way it differs from prior policy of piety community ties, in which the position for or against is never disinterested. And 'then necessary to assume a doubling of the viewer, in an empirical and unbiased or interior, so that the word can resonate, and thus become public, according to one of three possible topic. ("A coordination of the way of emotional involvement and commitment may be made to the extent that everyone in the state which puts them in the original diseparazione the postulate of solipsism, are under the eye of this impartial spectator internalized").

The topic of the complaint, which develops from indignation at the injustice of the persecutor, the topic of sentiment, which has its origin from emotion resulted from acts of the benefactor, and the Aesthetics topical, topical sui generis in that it contains a minimum reference to the action, and instead a maximum the celebration of the Hero / Doom. Brutally: the Enlightenment, Rousseau the Marxism and the novel the autobiographies, an example of which is still Rousseau, but that of Confessions , the dandy Baudelairian , Bataille .

topical aesthetic The third way is proposed as the face of criticism that inevitably lend his side the first two: typically, the outrage is attributed to the interest of political party, the emotion is accused of hiding enjoyment , or caused to be art (is sentimentality been attacked on several fronts since the beginning). The topical cosmetic, as I mentioned, can maintain a very weak link with politics, because aesthetic sublimation suffering. This is evident both in aporias raised by the attempt to found political cruelty in Sade, both in the opposite interpretation, the right and left, who were given the superman and the will to power of Nietzsche. Which, as Boltanski said, created "a space for radical difference on the margins of development policies that aim at the concept of an egalitarian social relations." The aesthetic is the parte dell’AFFERMAZIONE,  e non può che rifiutare la pietà in quanto forma di RISENTIMENTO (denuncia + sentimento).

Per inciso, oltre all’eroe dell’affermazione nietzschiano, esiste anche l’eroe dell’angoscia kierkegaardiano, col quale mi identifico un pò...

Se la lettura di destra di Nietzsche privilegia la figura dell’ Eroe che, dall’alto della sua superiorità e di una concezione inegualitaria dell’uomo, non lascia spazio alcuno alla pietà, la lettura di sinistra, di cui Bataille apre un filone che, passando for Blanchot, Deleuze is exhausted perhaps , privileges the figure of Damn, that is, who the company claims, and affirms its role from the Evil . Of course, the evil that is defined according to the dominant values \u200b\u200bof society and hypocrisy, for which read 'left' of Nietzsche is a bridge to the topic of the complaint.

To this already complicated picture is added to the range of uncertainties introduced by the media, which just mediate the relationship between the viewer and suffering. "One of the consequences of growth della distanza tra l’infelice e lo spettatore e dell’interposizione, per tramite dei media, di un presentatore, è, in effetti, quella di rendere palesi le limitazioni trascendentali della comunicazione sopprimendo la possibilità di basarsi su indici contestuali”. Si complica ancor di più quindi il compito di distinguere fra emozioni reali ed emozioni fittizie. A questo punto possiamo riconoscere 4 tipi di incertezze.

Qui l’autore si basa sulla distinzione dello studioso di estetica B. H. Boruah tra credenze valutative (il leone è pericoloso) e credenze esistenziali (il leone è in giardino), e fa, per la prima e unica time, some confusion: we see why.

Before uncertainty related to the selection of the unhappy, the accused is left to deal only with those unfortunates who are potentially revolutionary, the philanthropic right to deal with only those deemed worthy. So far, we can also accept that this is a problem of evaluative beliefs.

Second uncertainty: "It is debatable whether there are victims and persecutors, the unfortunate and benfattori, cursed beings and artists to reveal the dark beauty, but is hesitant about filling different places. " Now, as This uncertainty is due to a problem of existential beliefs, Boltanski only knows ... Indeed, since the uncertainty regarding the filling of posts in the structure unhappy-benefactor-persecutor, then does not differ so sharply from the first. But details are unimportant. The uncertainty on the filling of posts was established with the crisis of ideologies, which allowed to anchor in a broad historical context of the specific real-life situations. Interesting in this regard the revival of the controversy between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty about the Soviet concentration camps and the subsequent position Glucksmann and his generalization of suffering.

Terza incertezza: riguarda la scoperta di un inconscio egoista dietro ogni azione apparentemente altruista: è il tema psicanalitico del desiderio , variante novecentesca del vecchio compiacimento.

Quarta incertezza: riguarda la vanità dell’azione. Ogni azione risulta vana perché non c’è più distinzione tra reale e rappresentazione del reale . Eh sì, si parla proprio di Jean Baudrillard . “Nell’universo iperreale delle immagini virtuali che rinviano soltanto a se stesse, dove i media ci hanno immerso, mai acting out, passaggi all’atto – soltanto acting: he turns. "

What's the answer? Well, it goes through Boltanski Kouchner, the founder of Doctors Without Borders and Doctors in the World: it is in favor of a right of humanitarian intervention , which includes:
1) A Minimal oppression Act, which requires to be always on the side of the oppressed, even knowing that it could move quickly to the role of oppressor.
2) A function of the media, which is to protect the unfortunate part of that suffering is being made known to the international public space .
3) A word agent, intentionally, which opposes the chatter of a word just minutes.
4) The need for the humanitarian movement, to have "a scheme of intermediate forms of commitment (halfway between the on-site and emotion at a distance).
5) A Politics of the Present, or a epoché (suspension) of the remote causes of historical and possible future consequences, in favor of a hic et nunc steps to alleviate the pain.

I what I think? If I were a Philosopher, I probably would have a theory. Instead, I just doubt that I expressed long ago in inappropriate crossroads. I have only one certainty: that the years pass by, but whenever I am faced with a beggar on the street (and in Dublin there were a lot, and now I am going to return to the Philippines ...), the feelings are always the same and doubts beset as it was the first time. Sometimes a gift, sometimes I do not know, sometimes I ask for a better understanding at times - the confessional mode: ON - if it's a beautiful girl, I think I offer you 50 € to spend some time with me. Do not you recognize a perversion of the Topical Aesthetics?

Of course, even I do not know when, how many people do in the throes of fatigue or hurry to the next committee to do, what you do not do is dismiss it all with a "found a job." That would be really too idiot.
I worked about 7 years in the 'social', and among politicians of the left trying to scrape up votes on their best with their social, business and the right think to do that instead of suffering a lucrative market, I left for Low motivation, in disagreement with the ideological gooders.
To clarify: not long ago on Facebook, when a friend who works for an association to support immigrants, brought the news that the town of Pisa provided a cut to funding for Roma, I commented: "Dé, because, well Vaini gave him?"
But do not misunderstand me: ALWAYS remain critical , break the balls well, but you disown.

Aside: another thing that I absolutely want to do before you die, you write a book entitled The Philosophy of Gaber. This post could be a chapter, if only the following quotations were introduced at the beginning and not the end.

by Giorgio Gaber, the power of the Good , from my generation has lost , 2001:
" I think the recovery of criminal
whores and transsexuals
I think young people marginalized
leisure prisoners
I think of the new poverty
who give great visibility
think it's nice to feel good
using the money of the Italians.

is the power of the good
is the power of the good
built on tragedies and frustrations
is the power
of the good that one day may be good for the elections

by Giorgio Gaber, is no longer the moment, if I were Gaber, 1985:
" In the midst of confusion
your ideas and how those who have been betrayed a respectable woman
you now think that all women are whores.

Race already over without even starting
boned breed already waiting to die.
No, it does not hurt to believe it hurts a lot
believe evil "

by Giorgio Gaber, There is an air, As I Person , 1994
" Let us open the windows, let the things that really our

and let us anticipate the unusual joy
to stay for at least ten years without a piece of news ...

Leave at least the ignorance that is much better than your idea of \u200b\u200bknowledge that almost inevitably
who loves too much information
addition to not knowing anything is even more ass. Sent

special events bear witness
with bold close-ups, exciting
shots of desperate people who are about to go crazy,
of malnourished children so well photographed
put in place for dying. "

by Enzo Iannacci, Son S'cioppàa , 30 Years Without Going Out Of Time , 1989
CIA then is the cigarette from me or not I would not
we were here all night
I ask that the cigarette and you're saying is that the last thing you think
.. I've got written on her forehead, just ask Low?
We were never friends, no no let it be
you're one of those if you ask him a thousand pounds, did not say I recommend
the drink
what do you care for me if you drink or not, oscar goodness .. "

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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One book, many books: Part One. And so after


There are those who works as a computer scientist, but still finds the time to quibble over everything, and there for those who read (and perhaps write) with a bit of continuity, he had information that he had fired from their jobs. The world is ugly even if it varied.

Halfluke is movement, tentatively in Pisa, but in just over a week leaving for Cebu - dadoveunsitornapiu '. Program change planned in relation to Chiang Mai - dadoveunsitornamai - which could be reached later. In each case, you will return to both.

Meanwhile, we read, or reread. A friend took me to the umpteenth new local sbroc-sbroc alternative new goal of failed farloc-30-40-year (if he did not understand, I'm taking the piss Uriel), and including an exhibition of paintings of sbroc-round artist, and a deejay who insisted on putting on music that did not know, you could read and eventually buy one of the many phony books arranged on shelves.

And in the end I bought one called Reality Shock, a television journalist and author of nome Paolo Martini, di cui parlerò a breve.

Prima però voglio sottolineare la gioia che ho provato nel comprare di nuovo un libro dopo tanto tempo, dopo tanti pdf ad argomento IT : a ciascuna scienza il supporto che le compete. Se solo potessi avere l’amata biblioteca con me, e una chitarra per ricominciare con blues e bossanova...

Il libro in sé, che si propone di dare una lettura sociologica del fenomeno dei reality shows , non è poi così illuminante: ottimo dal lato storico-descrittivo, offre un panorama esaustivo delle varie declinazioni della formula 'Reality' from the format of the Dutch Big Brother original, but then you lose the side of the analysis, getting a little confused when he said the untimely death of reality itself, as superseded by the new media to grow again better than the narcissism of ego, with whom he would explain the success of all that provides the publicity of the private sphere, together with elimination-selection mechanisms that mimic the fierce competitiveness of our times.

reality of the decline was thus preserved and multiplied by the 'realiticità'. I quote in hand and quote the author particularly like: "" Everyone is welcome! Who wants to become an artist, is present! We are the theater that serves everyone, each in its place! "Reads the opening words of the final chapter of the book Franz Kafka wanted to leave unfinished, America. And 'perhaps the most extraordinary literary prophecy about our contemporary world, and not coincidentally the day ends with the incredible selection and natural base for the Theatre of Oklahoma, the big show where everyone can come in and' play 'themselves. "

As suggestive, is not the thesis of 'realiticità' to hit me more nel libro – la cui seconda parte peraltro è interamente scritta da un altro autore, e dedicata alle esibizioni etnologiche di fine Ottocento: selvaggi dei paesi colonizzati messi in mostra ricostruendo il loro ‘habitat naturale’, al centro delle metropoli occidentali – ma qualcos’altro. Non c’era bisogno di scomodare fior fior di autori – da Zygmunt Bauman a Woody Allen, da Paul Virilio a Jean Baudrillard – a sostegno dell’idea per cui ci troviamo in “un’epoca in cui il riflusso dalla delusione politica nel privato, è la dominante”. C’è un paragrafo che, pur inserito all’interno del medesimo iter argomentativo, solletica una deriva verso problematiche different.

says: "It is just like smiling, looking now at our departure, with handbags full of personal computer, connect card, mp3 players, games consoles and digital devilry of every kind, and rethinking dear, old summers of training of the bourgeoisie, to suitcases crammed with classics, the great dilemmas ferragostani: start War and Peace by Tolstoy or try again with Proust? Harold Bloom, who is considered the greatest living literary critic, called 'Chaotic Age' civilization which we are immersed in media, and in his famous book The Western Canon admits that it is now impossible to find today, the concentration in terms of reading necessary to undertake precisely the canonical path of the great books of the formation of a Western, Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes and so forth up to Joyce. "I came immediately to mind the series of articles by Alessandro Baricco in La Repubblica, entitled The Barbarians, a few years ago (and I spoke in a post).

But this is only probably true, it is also distressing. I mean, distressing to me. There I am, despite the effort involved, to give way to modernity. Although the 'IT that gives me something to eat. Despite the feeling of inevitability, that you are riding a important change, even momentous. And when you find yourself in 35 years to let slip what you found out at 20 and I liked it a lot. This is obviously just the expression on a very general level, of what it feels like to have a degree in philosophy after a course of study extended for 13 years, then el'aver chosen the profession of technical computing ...

Corollary: Before I die I want to finish reading the Proust's Recherche, and in fact I have just claimed by the remote my library, the Newton Compton edition 8 volumes purchased 39,200 pounds more than a decade ago.

In short, the second part: Proofreading.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Reduce Swelling Fast

Wolfstep also ban him from me

The third millennium is a little confused or just more arrogant? Am I to be allergic to any authority? Otherwise we would need someone to explain to me how can a forum aimed at helping immigrants and mixed couples, is managed fascist

If mysteriously disappeared from the web, also charged with reporting the topic here:

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Posted - 24 December 2010: 12:42:38

Drummer hello or Ludon or Phil, you can not leave peronali references on this forum, I would have to post wedding details (agency).

Thanks ...

Country: Italy ~ Posts : 10 ~ Member Since: 23 December 2007 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

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Posted - 25 December 2010: 12:18:59

This forum is great, but certain restrictions are frankly exaggerated (not to mention that when the topic a couple of references NO unauthorized references to external sites have been previously admitted)

rationale for all this inflexibility, including private messages?

Country: Italy ~ Posts : 10 ~ Member Since: 23 December 2007 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

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Posted - 25 December 2010: 13:23:10

This forum is great, but certain restrictions are frankly exaggerated (not to mention that when the topic a couple of references No references to external sites not previously authorized were admitted)

rationale for all this inflexibility, including private messages?

Originally posted by halfluke - December 25 2010: 12:18:59

Because certain information is sent via private messages may be useful in future to other users and therefore would be more correct that they were public.
Hello ...

Country: Italy ~ Posts : 151 ~ Member Since: 22 August 2010 ~ Last Visit: 27 December 2010 Alert Moderator

Difensore Civico Di TuttoStranieri

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Posted - 25 December 2010 : 16:56:53

Questo forum è eccezionale, ma certe restrizioni sono francamente esagerate (senza contare che durante il topic un paio di riferimenti NO riferimenti a siti esterni non autorizzati preventivamente sono stati ammessi)

Motivazione di tutta questa inflessibilità, messaggi privati inclusi?

Originariamente inviato da halfluke - 25 dicembre 2010 : 12:18:59

Se l'utente non è sodisfatto potrà ben trovare altri forum sull'immigrazione. Non è certo obbligato a seguire questo forum e non può certo indicare condizioni di partecipazione per lui favorevoli.

Un saluto,
Amedeo - email:

Autore dei libri:
- Manuale di sopravvivenza burocratica per italiani con partner straniero
- Ricongiungimento ... step by step
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Country: Italy ~ Posts: 9543 ~ Member Since: 20 June 2005 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

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Posted - 28 December 2010: 10:30:35


If you are not sodisfatto may well find other forum on immigration. It is certainly not obliged to follow this forum and certainly can not give him favorable conditions for participation.


Originally posted by amedeo - 25 December 2010: 16:56:53

It Okay this is not a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."
Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.

way back to the topic:
've been to my town to request birth certificate and certificate context: for them there is no request for a multilingual country that does not recognize it because it has not acceded to the Treaty of Vienna.
So, for the Philippines, the process is correct: certified in Italian, legalization Prefecture, go to court to translate (or in this case translation to do a special office of the Italian Embassy in Manila), and perhaps a step Next I do not remember, however, because these documents I made them as a precaution but should not be necessary. This, however, to say that
go to your local authority and request a certificate multilingual così tanto per averlo nell'eventualità che, può risultare in un rifiuto a rilasciarlo da parte dell'ufficiale competente.


Country: Italy ~ Posts: 10 ~ Member Since: 23 December 2007 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

Difensore Civico Di TuttoStranieri

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Posted - 28 December 2010 : 11:20:15


It Okay this is not a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."

And I see that the forum was well managed by the users themselves!


Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.


Originally posted by halfluke - December 28 2010: 10:30:35

be notified of the management between users is established by the regulation. Users can also ben comunicare pubblicamente sul forum stesso.

Altra norma del regolamento prevede che le decisioni/affermazioni dei moderatori non possono essere discusse/criticate, proprio per evitare situazioni di tipo polemico, che fanno solo perdere tempo.

L'utente halfluke dovrà trovarsi, quindi, un altro forum di discussione, sull'immigrazione perchè da questo ne viene purtroppo allontanato.

Un saluto,
Amedeo - email:

Autore dei libri:
- Manuale di sopravvivenza burocratica per italiani con partner straniero
- Ricongiungimento ... step by step
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index (Amedeo):
Tuttostranieri index - topic relevant: / topic.asp? topic_id = 18786
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Country: Italy ~ Posts : 9543 ~ Member Since: June 20 2005 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

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Posted - 28 December 2010: 12:19:00


It Okay this is not a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."

And I see that the forum was well managed by the users themselves!


Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.


Originally posted by halfluke - December 28 2010: 10:30:35

be notified of the management between users is determined by Regulation. Users also can communicate well in public on the same forum.

Other rules state that the decisions / statements of the moderators can not be discussed / criticized, precisely to avoid such controversial situations, which are only wasting time.

halfluke You must be, therefore, another discussion forum on immigration because of this it is unfortunately dismissed.


Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 11:20:15

Mah .. you know ... not so easy to turn people away from a forum ... sometimes changing the name back and using a proxy when the moderator is considered so clever in having banned an IP address ...
Since you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with internet users, you should implement measures to restrict the best type captcha at full blast, and comments for inclusion and moderation, otherwise you may have to spend the time to ban all users who are My script will create the right to knock ****** ic i.

I hope for this very useful forum that started inside a beautiful reflection on how it is managed.

Country: Virgin Islands (United Kingdom) ~ Posts: 1 ~ Member Since: 28 December 2010 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

Gianfranco Di Siena
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Posted - 28 December 2010: 12:52:27

"" As you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with Internet ..."" Watch that the term "fascist" "no longer has that negative connotation that was assigned at the time of the unfortunate dispute (70 - 80) .
Buenos Aires Milan-45.
E-mail: @ Avv.Gianfranco
tel / fax: 02/29531935

Country: Italy ~ Posts : 2122 ~ Member Since: 02 January 2006 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

Ombudsman of TuttoStranieri

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Posted - 28 December 2010: 17:29:19


It Okay this is not a motivation ... è semplicemente dire "il forum è mio e si fa come dico io".

E vorrei ben vedere che il forum fosse gestito dagli utenti stessi!!!


Pur sapendo che ciò che è di interesse pubblico è bene che sia postato pubblicamente, impedire totalmente la comunicazione fra due utenti mi sembra ANTIDEMOCRATICO.


Originariamente inviato da halfluke - 28 dicembre 2010 : 10:30:35

La gestione della comuncazione fra gli utenti viene stabilita dal regolamento. Gli utenti peraltro possono ben comunicare pubblicamente sul forum stesso.

Altra norma del regolamento prevede che le decisioni/affermazioni dei moderatori can not be discussed / criticized, precisely to avoid such controversial situations, which are only wasting time.

halfluke You must be, therefore, another discussion forum on immigration because of this it is unfortunately dismissed.


Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 11:20:15

Mah .. you know ... not so easy to turn people away from a forum ... sometimes changing the name back and using a proxy when the moderator is considered so clever in having banned an IP address ...
Since you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with internet users, you should implement measures to restrict best type captcha at full blast, and comments for inclusion and moderation, otherwise you may have to spend the time to ban all users that my script will create the right to knock ****** ic i.

I hope for this very useful forum that started inside a beautiful reflection on how it is managed.

Originally posted by lukehalf - December 28 2010: 12:19:00

There is a much simpler, which is that of a police post.

Amedeo - email:

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- Survival Manual for bureaucratic Italian with foreign partners
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index (Amedeo):
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Country: Italy ~ Posts: 9543 ~ Member Since: June 20 2005 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010 Alert Moderator

half luke
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Posted - 28 December 2010: 18:16:28


Okay this is not is a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."

And I see that the forum was well managed by the users themselves!


Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.

Originally posted by
halfluke - December 28 2010: 10:30:35

be notified of the management between users is established by the regulation. Users also can communicate well in public on the same forum.

Other rules state that the decisions / statements of the moderators can not be discussed / criticized, precisely to avoid such controversial situations, which are only wasting time.

halfluke You must be, therefore, another discussion forum on immigration because of this it is unfortunately dismissed.


Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 11:20:15

Mah .. you know ... not so easy to turn people away from a forum ... sometimes changing the name back and using a proxy when the moderator is considered so clever in having banned an IP address ...
Since you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with internet users, you should implement measures to restrict the best type captcha at full blast, and comments for inclusion and moderation, otherwise you may have to spend the time to ban all users who are My script will create the right to knock ****** ic i.

I hope for this very useful forum that started inside a beautiful reflection on how it is managed.

Originally posted by lukehalf - December 28, 2010 : 12:19:00

There is a much simpler, which is that of a police post.


Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 17:29:19

charged with?
(among other things are easily found online, I do not hide behind the anonymity)

However, the point is this:
- I approach the forum to exchange information and ask
- violating a rule of the forum
- ask explanations
the rule - it says that happens because it is so
critical response - is banned

the end just interests me the ban, I can come back, read, and create me to ask other nicks new information in the future.

The real question is: how to reconcile
the service provided (again, excellent), with the way you banned me? That 's what worries because I do not understand!

And if the term fascist is no longer the negative meaning it had in the fights etc.. etc. because then help immigrants?

Well, mysteries of the third millennium.

Over and out.

Country: Afghanistan ~ Posts : 1 ~ Member Since: 28 December 2010 ~ Last Visit: 28 December 2010