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I had an argument with Armenia, she said, because since you're fired from RapidoPizza this year at Christmas does not come to the mountains with me so now I introduce you to my? But I do not like skiing, and I say this because I do not know skiing: it's just a coincidence. To me this thing to do on skis and being tossed back by plants seems to me something totally childish. In my opinion, real human beings should do the opposite, do the slopes on skis and then use the systems to go down, this would be a sport for adults, good effort to make cool and slipped on the snow, and even make an effort to get back on top with their feet, no, you take the ski lift!, nice effort!, who would not be able to ski like that? Jimmy Bandini says no, I said to Armenia. Bandini Jimmy wants a system where you can go skiing, and then use the mobile to go down, after conquering the mountain mighty strokes, kidney skis. And to think that also make the races, to fall, with skis! Who comes first wins! That would be like to do races launch from an airplane in flight without a parachute, and who comes first wins. You'll understand! The race, if anything, should vincerla chi arriva ultimo, chi sa opporsi strenuamente alla forza di gravità, chi non cede alle leggi della fisica. Uguale con gli sci. Ma Armenia non si è convinta. "Sei un codardo" mi ha detto, e se n'è andata. La gente non è ancora pronta per lo sci in salita, mi sa.
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