The third millennium is a little confused or just more arrogant? Am I to be allergic to any authority? Otherwise we would need someone to explain to me how can a forum aimed at helping immigrants and mixed couples, is managed fascist
If mysteriously disappeared from the web, also charged with reporting the topic here:
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Drummer hello or Ludon or Phil, you can not leave peronali references on this forum, I would have to post wedding details (agency).
Thanks ...
Country: Italy ~ Posts

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This forum is great, but certain restrictions are frankly exaggerated (not to mention that when the topic a couple of references NO unauthorized references to external sites have been previously admitted)
rationale for all this inflexibility, including private messages?
Country: Italy ~ Posts

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This forum is great, but certain restrictions are frankly exaggerated (not to mention that when the topic a couple of references No references to external sites not previously authorized were admitted)
rationale for all this inflexibility, including private messages?
Originally posted by halfluke - December 25 2010: 12:18:59
Because certain information is sent via private messages may be useful in future to other users and therefore would be more correct that they were public.
Hello ...
Country: Italy ~ Posts

Difensore Civico Di TuttoStranieri

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Questo forum è eccezionale, ma certe restrizioni sono francamente esagerate (senza contare che durante il topic un paio di riferimenti NO riferimenti a siti esterni non autorizzati preventivamente sono stati ammessi)
Motivazione di tutta questa inflessibilità, messaggi privati inclusi?
Originariamente inviato da halfluke - 25 dicembre 2010 : 12:18:59
Se l'utente non è sodisfatto potrà ben trovare altri forum sull'immigrazione. Non è certo obbligato a seguire questo forum e non può certo indicare condizioni di partecipazione per lui favorevoli.
Un saluto,
Amedeo - email:

Autore dei libri:
- Manuale di sopravvivenza burocratica per italiani con partner straniero
- Ricongiungimento ... step by step
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If you are not sodisfatto may well find other forum on immigration. It is certainly not obliged to follow this forum and certainly can not give him favorable conditions for participation.
Originally posted by amedeo - 25 December 2010: 16:56:53
It Okay this is not a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."
Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.
way back to the topic:
've been to my town to request birth certificate and certificate context: for them there is no request for a multilingual country that does not recognize it because it has not acceded to the Treaty of Vienna.
So, for the Philippines, the process is correct: certified in Italian, legalization Prefecture, go to court to translate (or in this case translation to do a special office of the Italian Embassy in Manila), and perhaps a step Next I do not remember, however, because these documents I made them as a precaution but should not be necessary. This, however, to say that
go to your local authority and request a certificate multilingual così tanto per averlo nell'eventualità che, può risultare in un rifiuto a rilasciarlo da parte dell'ufficiale competente.

Difensore Civico Di TuttoStranieri

Status: offline
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It Okay this is not a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."
And I see that the forum was well managed by the users themselves!
Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.
Originally posted by halfluke - December 28 2010: 10:30:35
be notified of the management between users is established by the regulation. Users can also ben comunicare pubblicamente sul forum stesso.
Altra norma del regolamento prevede che le decisioni/affermazioni dei moderatori non possono essere discusse/criticate, proprio per evitare situazioni di tipo polemico, che fanno solo perdere tempo.
L'utente halfluke dovrà trovarsi, quindi, un altro forum di discussione, sull'immigrazione perchè da questo ne viene purtroppo allontanato.
Un saluto,
Amedeo - email:

Autore dei libri:
- Manuale di sopravvivenza burocratica per italiani con partner straniero
- Ricongiungimento ... step by step
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Country: Italy ~ Posts

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It Okay this is not a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."
And I see that the forum was well managed by the users themselves!
Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.
Originally posted by halfluke - December 28 2010: 10:30:35
be notified of the management between users is determined by Regulation. Users also can communicate well in public on the same forum.
Other rules state that the decisions / statements of the moderators can not be discussed / criticized, precisely to avoid such controversial situations, which are only wasting time.
halfluke You must be, therefore, another discussion forum on immigration because of this it is unfortunately dismissed.
Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 11:20:15
Mah .. you know ... not so easy to turn people away from a forum ... sometimes changing the name back and using a proxy when the moderator is considered so clever in having banned an IP address ...
Since you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with internet users, you should implement measures to restrict the best type captcha at full blast, and comments for inclusion and moderation, otherwise you may have to spend the time to ban all users who are My script will create the right to knock ****** ic i.
I hope for this very useful forum that started inside a beautiful reflection on how it is managed.

Gianfranco Di Siena
Forum Moderator

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"" As you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with Internet ..."" Watch that the term "fascist" "no longer has that negative connotation that was assigned at the time of the unfortunate dispute (70 - 80) .
Buenos Aires Milan-45.
E-mail: @ Avv.Gianfranco
tel / fax: 02/29531935
Country: Italy ~ Posts

Ombudsman of TuttoStranieri

Status: offline
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It Okay this is not a motivation ... è semplicemente dire "il forum è mio e si fa come dico io".
E vorrei ben vedere che il forum fosse gestito dagli utenti stessi!!!
Pur sapendo che ciò che è di interesse pubblico è bene che sia postato pubblicamente, impedire totalmente la comunicazione fra due utenti mi sembra ANTIDEMOCRATICO.
Originariamente inviato da halfluke - 28 dicembre 2010 : 10:30:35
La gestione della comuncazione fra gli utenti viene stabilita dal regolamento. Gli utenti peraltro possono ben comunicare pubblicamente sul forum stesso.
Altra norma del regolamento prevede che le decisioni/affermazioni dei moderatori can not be discussed / criticized, precisely to avoid such controversial situations, which are only wasting time.
halfluke You must be, therefore, another discussion forum on immigration because of this it is unfortunately dismissed.
Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 11:20:15
Mah .. you know ... not so easy to turn people away from a forum ... sometimes changing the name back and using a proxy when the moderator is considered so clever in having banned an IP address ...
Since you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with internet users, you should implement measures to restrict best type captcha at full blast, and comments for inclusion and moderation, otherwise you may have to spend the time to ban all users that my script will create the right to knock ****** ic i.
I hope for this very useful forum that started inside a beautiful reflection on how it is managed.
Originally posted by lukehalf - December 28 2010: 12:19:00
There is a much simpler, which is that of a police post.
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- Survival Manual for bureaucratic Italian with foreign partners
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half luke
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Okay this is not is a motivation ... is simply to say "this forum is my own and do as I say."
And I see that the forum was well managed by the users themselves!
Even knowing that what is in the public interest is best to be posted publicly, completely prevent communication between two users seem undemocratic.
Originally posted by
halfluke - December 28 2010: 10:30:35
be notified of the management between users is established by the regulation. Users also can communicate well in public on the same forum.
Other rules state that the decisions / statements of the moderators can not be discussed / criticized, precisely to avoid such controversial situations, which are only wasting time.
halfluke You must be, therefore, another discussion forum on immigration because of this it is unfortunately dismissed.
Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 11:20:15
Mah .. you know ... not so easy to turn people away from a forum ... sometimes changing the name back and using a proxy when the moderator is considered so clever in having banned an IP address ...
Since you are democratic and fascist with immigrants with internet users, you should implement measures to restrict the best type captcha at full blast, and comments for inclusion and moderation, otherwise you may have to spend the time to ban all users who are My script will create the right to knock ****** ic i.
I hope for this very useful forum that started inside a beautiful reflection on how it is managed.
Originally posted by lukehalf - December 28, 2010 : 12:19:00
There is a much simpler, which is that of a police post.
Originally posted by amedeo - 28 December 2010: 17:29:19
charged with?
(among other things are easily found online, I do not hide behind the anonymity)
However, the point is this:
- I approach the forum to exchange information and ask
- violating a rule of the forum
- ask explanations
the rule - it says that happens because it is so
critical response - is banned
the end just interests me the ban, I can come back, read, and create me to ask other nicks new information in the future.
The real question is: how to reconcile
the service provided (again, excellent), with the way you banned me? That 's what worries because I do not understand!
And if the term fascist is no longer the negative meaning it had in the fights etc.. etc. because then help immigrants?
Well, mysteries of the third millennium.
Over and out.
Country: Afghanistan ~ Posts

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