Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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One book, many books: Part One. And so after


There are those who works as a computer scientist, but still finds the time to quibble over everything, and there for those who read (and perhaps write) with a bit of continuity, he had information that he had fired from their jobs. The world is ugly even if it varied.

Halfluke is movement, tentatively in Pisa, but in just over a week leaving for Cebu - dadoveunsitornapiu '. Program change planned in relation to Chiang Mai - dadoveunsitornamai - which could be reached later. In each case, you will return to both.

Meanwhile, we read, or reread. A friend took me to the umpteenth new local sbroc-sbroc alternative new goal of failed farloc-30-40-year (if he did not understand, I'm taking the piss Uriel), and including an exhibition of paintings of sbroc-round artist, and a deejay who insisted on putting on music that did not know, you could read and eventually buy one of the many phony books arranged on shelves.

And in the end I bought one called Reality Shock, a television journalist and author of nome Paolo Martini, di cui parlerò a breve.

Prima però voglio sottolineare la gioia che ho provato nel comprare di nuovo un libro dopo tanto tempo, dopo tanti pdf ad argomento IT : a ciascuna scienza il supporto che le compete. Se solo potessi avere l’amata biblioteca con me, e una chitarra per ricominciare con blues e bossanova...

Il libro in sé, che si propone di dare una lettura sociologica del fenomeno dei reality shows , non è poi così illuminante: ottimo dal lato storico-descrittivo, offre un panorama esaustivo delle varie declinazioni della formula 'Reality' from the format of the Dutch Big Brother original, but then you lose the side of the analysis, getting a little confused when he said the untimely death of reality itself, as superseded by the new media to grow again better than the narcissism of ego, with whom he would explain the success of all that provides the publicity of the private sphere, together with elimination-selection mechanisms that mimic the fierce competitiveness of our times.

reality of the decline was thus preserved and multiplied by the 'realiticità'. I quote in hand and quote the author particularly like: "" Everyone is welcome! Who wants to become an artist, is present! We are the theater that serves everyone, each in its place! "Reads the opening words of the final chapter of the book Franz Kafka wanted to leave unfinished, America. And 'perhaps the most extraordinary literary prophecy about our contemporary world, and not coincidentally the day ends with the incredible selection and natural base for the Theatre of Oklahoma, the big show where everyone can come in and' play 'themselves. "

As suggestive, is not the thesis of 'realiticità' to hit me more nel libro – la cui seconda parte peraltro è interamente scritta da un altro autore, e dedicata alle esibizioni etnologiche di fine Ottocento: selvaggi dei paesi colonizzati messi in mostra ricostruendo il loro ‘habitat naturale’, al centro delle metropoli occidentali – ma qualcos’altro. Non c’era bisogno di scomodare fior fior di autori – da Zygmunt Bauman a Woody Allen, da Paul Virilio a Jean Baudrillard – a sostegno dell’idea per cui ci troviamo in “un’epoca in cui il riflusso dalla delusione politica nel privato, è la dominante”. C’è un paragrafo che, pur inserito all’interno del medesimo iter argomentativo, solletica una deriva verso problematiche different.

says: "It is just like smiling, looking now at our departure, with handbags full of personal computer, connect card, mp3 players, games consoles and digital devilry of every kind, and rethinking dear, old summers of training of the bourgeoisie, to suitcases crammed with classics, the great dilemmas ferragostani: start War and Peace by Tolstoy or try again with Proust? Harold Bloom, who is considered the greatest living literary critic, called 'Chaotic Age' civilization which we are immersed in media, and in his famous book The Western Canon admits that it is now impossible to find today, the concentration in terms of reading necessary to undertake precisely the canonical path of the great books of the formation of a Western, Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes and so forth up to Joyce. "I came immediately to mind the series of articles by Alessandro Baricco in La Repubblica, entitled The Barbarians, a few years ago (and I spoke in a post).

But this is only probably true, it is also distressing. I mean, distressing to me. There I am, despite the effort involved, to give way to modernity. Although the 'IT that gives me something to eat. Despite the feeling of inevitability, that you are riding a important change, even momentous. And when you find yourself in 35 years to let slip what you found out at 20 and I liked it a lot. This is obviously just the expression on a very general level, of what it feels like to have a degree in philosophy after a course of study extended for 13 years, then el'aver chosen the profession of technical computing ...

Corollary: Before I die I want to finish reading the Proust's Recherche, and in fact I have just claimed by the remote my library, the Newton Compton edition 8 volumes purchased 39,200 pounds more than a decade ago.

In short, the second part: Proofreading.


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