Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Vespa Lx 50 Blueprint

Nei miei panni

Upon arriving at my house Cynthia Pontes asked me why we had not brought to his house.
- a 'truth Bandini, you lose the keys I gave you - I said, staggering because still could not walk properly.
- No Cynthia, is that it is safer for the moment. At least until the waters have calmed down - I said.
- What waters?
- Cynthia Waters. The waters of 2022. It's a long story.
- There has been such a flood? Look at my house was insured.
- No, no.
- What are these waters?
- Look, we're all very tired and you still have, like, the jetlag. Now we go to bed and tomorrow we'll talk ok?
- Ok. Six strange strong, that you were strong even before strange, but now more, you know worsened in recent years? You may get vedere da qualcuno.
– Ha ragione – si è intromesso Ermete.
– Chiudi quella fogna, tu – ho detto io.
Cinzia Pontesi ha cacciato un urlo.
– C'è una bestia in casa tua! – ha gridato puntando il dito verso Domenico, che non si è mosso dalla parete dietro la tv dove s'era parcheggiato.
– Oh, lui è Domenico – ho detto io.
– È suo figlio – ha aggiunto Ermete. Ho fulminato Ermete con un'occhiata. Cinzia ha riso.
– Siete uno spasso, voi due – ha detto.
Per la notte ho ceduto la mia camera a Cinzia, e io mi sono sistemato sul divano letto con Ermete, che non faceva che rigirarsi.
– Non riesco a dormire. Come si può dormire dopo una serata così? Sono sovreccitato – ripeteva – dove l'hai messa Betsabea?
– Lèvatelo dalla testa, lurido porco. Betsabea è mia.
– Non fare il sentimentale, andiamo.
– Vai a farti una sega e vedi di lasciarmi dormire in pace.
– Sei veramente senza cuore. Non ho parole.
Mi sono addormentato di botto, sognando la pubblicità di quell'attore di cui non ricordo il nome, quell'attore che compra cialde per il caffè e per questo uscendo dal negozio di cialde muore schiacciato da un pianoforte che precipita dal cielo e che lo trasforma in cialda a sua volta, una cialda umana. Quando mi sono svegliato c'era una tazzina of steaming coffee in front of my face, I screamed.
- You always like when you wake up? - Asked Cynthia Pontes. I was holding out his cup, still wearing the suit Clebbino. - Good day, eh.
- Bongbogio - I mutter I'm awake in the morning I can not speak.
- You could also stay tonight - has whispered Cynthia.
- Sgrunf, eehhr?
- Yes. Did not have to came back here to sleep on the couch, gave me no trouble mica - Cynthia continued to whisper in a voice that seemed to clean up the hiss of the tape-heads.
- Mwa what the fuck - Arsch - what pwarli, UWM?
- Hey, relax Bandy. I will not say anything to your friend - he winked Cinzia.
Bandy? Bandy? I jumped up from the sofa bed.
- Where is Hermes? - I yelled.
- in the bathroom. But do you know -
I went to the bathroom door was locked.
- Hermes, go! Open Now!
- I'm shitting - Hermes said from inside.
- Open, I say!
- Password?
- Open the fucking door!
Hermes opened, I walked in and closed. It was a let down his trousers and was getting a bidet.
- What is it, now - he said, calmly, washing the bird.
I breathed three or four times, slowly.
- For tonight if you've slipped into the bedroom of Cynthia? - I asked, trying to stay calm.
- are private matters - he said, rinsed balls.
- A cock, private. Answer.
- Yes, ok? So what? Are you jealous or something?
- It is not that you've done for me by any chance?
- Calm down. It was pitch dark and it was the only way to not be there to be one thousand presentations and talk, well, you know. Try to understand. They were not fucking months. I was overexcited. Put yourself in my shoes.
- No, you moron, it's you that puts you in mine! - I shouted, - stop and wipe my dick with the towel to my face!
- Ah, it's your towel to your face? And to think that all these days I've traded for -
I came from the toilet and slammed the door shut and went to the closet to cry. Bathsheba was in the closet, I hugged close, sobbing in the dark.


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