Friday, January 28, 2011

Aria Pretty Little Liars

psychotherapy: the story of Aldo

Dear Aldo,
how many years we spent together! You were one of my first patients, more than twenty years ago. Then you had to retire and yet today you have just passed the age of 80. But have you kept very well, both physically and psychologically.
Indeed, with long have you improved a lot, just like the balsamic vinegar.
Do you remember when you came to me the first few times? You were once a week to tell me your thoughts, because he had no friends, no family, no person to talk to you.
And your whole life had been so, why do not you ever had the ability and the courage to enter in a loving relationship with another human being. You were afraid of others and you said you did not really care about them.
You lived alone, were self-sufficient and you even bothered if someone gives you something because you feel obligated to reciprocate in some way.
remember that you spoke to a senior colleague told me: do the autogenic training with him, which is at least relax a bit, 'He can not change.
yet, dear Aldo, and I went on a road that seemed landlocked, but we have traveled together step by step.
When I first met you did not attend any, were living in the world of your fantasies, you could not go even to the bar: your the only airlines found, from time to time, when you went to the cinema to see some red lights in pornographic films.
Yet you were also caught, you are interested in literature, art, music, but had a negative opinion at the same time so much and so much higher than yourself, to obviate any real relationship.
Were you afraid of suffering in relationships and women were all you people who wanted to trap you, take away the freedom and also the money.
But I've never stopped to tell your thoughts. I remember one day when I said that we all have an ego and you, seriously, looked at me and told me: no, I have not got the ego! Davi importance
not even in dreams. Play the stock market, there putting all your libido, you wanted to win, earn, have, possess, batch, as Scrooge 'Scrooge. You did not know anything else, you did not know love, or others, or yourself.
If we want to do a quick summary of your changes in the last twenty years, we can say that you started to go play cards at the bar, then to some courses for the elderly, then the summer holidays for the elderly organized by the Municipality.
And when you return from one of these holidays, as long as I remember, I've said to the sea I met a woman who impressed me very much because it is a good woman .
You said just like that, remember? You said it was a good woman . And with that Women have begun a love story, made up of strokes and jams, peace and watched television together.
Then you have also met a lot of scope for some things that made you live far too much sexuality in 80 years. You have achieved at this age all the erotic fantasies you've always dreamed of.
What's life eh, Aldo? Who would have thought that we would be to break the wall that separates you from other human beings ...
Who would have thought you'd come to feel beautiful and desirable and like the soul of others?
Now you're happy, you're human, you're good about yourself and your relationships with others with the knowledge that you, without the old fears. Who knows what you
the future holds, who knows what other discoveries do before you get to death, the death that has always frightened and that we are now not so much by the most important ...


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