Solo acqua passata
Alla Clebbino è successo un casino dopo che è venuta fuori la storia della sottrazione di un cassibernato dal data center ad opera di ignoti. Gli ignoti siamo naturalmente io ed Ermete, ma probabilmente non resteremo ignoti a lungo, a quanto pare le forze di sicurezza e le forze dell’ordine e chissà chi altro stanno visionando più volte i filmati delle telecamere a circuito chiuso per identificare i due criminali. I due criminali in fact seem to have done it openly, "says Creative n.4 as we paused in front of the vending machine for hot drinks.
- In what sense they seem? - I ask myself. - Not that it interests me, eh - I add, feigning indifference to avoid arousing suspicion.
- In the sense that they probably used very realistic masks, latex masks, like. What idiot would do such a thing otherwise it openly?
- But in fact, should be total idiots - I agree.
- I know who I was - says Creative n.2 reaching, with an air of conspiracy.
- Oh yeah? Who? - Calls for Creative n.4. I pretend to read the label extinguisher, to avoid arousing suspicion.
- Creative n.1 - n.2 creative answers.
- Even with this, just now! Creative n.1. is dead, instead get a reason.
- So what? - Raised defiantly n.2.
- But stop it. And if it was, the other of the two who would it be?
- As far as I know, it could be you - said to number 4 n.2.
- And what do you think no.5? - Asks me n.4.
- I? How? Sorry, there I was listening I was reading the label of the extinguisher. Oh, that will expire in a month, read here.
After work I went home, helicopters flew over the city non-stop for days is that it is. At home I found Cynthia Pontes Hermes and sitting on the couch in silence.
- What's going on - I asked.
- I need to talk - he said Hermes. We went to the bathroom. Hermes sat on the toilet and told me to sit down too. I sat on the bidet, in front of him.
- Well? - I said.
- Listen Bandini. Being here has become too dangerous. This morning the doorbell rang, it was a guy who claimed to having to deliver the Yellow Pages, you realize? I did the voice of a child of three years and said that Mom was not there and I could not open. According to me again tomorrow, and will not sound the bell, enter by force. I have found.
- But you say. Maybe the guy was really the Yellow Pages. You are paranoid.
- Do you mean that there are still the Yellow Pages?
- There is still a lot of stuff, Hermes.
- However, we can not run these risks. Tonight I'm giving birth, back in the Zone dehumanized, it is safer.
- You said we'd be back when the dust settled. The waters have not subsided at all, indeed.
- Fuck waters. I'll be back in the Zone dehumanized.
- And as we do with Cynthia Pontes.
- Cynthia Pontes, come with me.
the end it turned out that Hermes and Cynthia have made insieme, a mia insaputa. Ermete qualche giorno fa le ha rivelato che siamo nel 2011 invece che nel 2022, lei sul momento ha avuto una crisi isterica, poi lo ha aggredito, lui l’ha schiaffeggiata per calmarla, poi l’ha abbracciata, poi insomma alla fine sono finiti a letto. Nel mio letto, naturalmente. E adesso lei andrà con lui nella Zona Deumanizzata.
– Mi dispiace – ha detto Ermete. Io non ho detto niente, solo ho tirato lo sciacquone, come per dire: è acqua passata, e comunque che mi frega a me. Ho guardato le piastrelle del bagno, i licheni che iniziavano a formarsi lungo le fughe tra le mattonelle. Ermete è uscito dal bagno, dopo un secondo è entrata Cinzia Pontesi.
– È occupato - I said, still sitting on the bidet.
- Bandini I'm sorry a lot. Imagine how you would feel after what there was between us the other night. Maybe you had some idea that maybe I was already imagining a future together, I understand. I wanted to tell you that's not your fault, I was very comfortable with you, even if you were a bit 'rough but short. Instead Hermes is just sweet, sweet is Hermes. You are so different but also equal in the end, it's weird. You're like two peas different word boh. However I feel I love Hermes. I hope you will forgive me and there you will find in the area dehumanized, sooner or later.
I was going to tell her that he was completely stupid, that was always in bed and only with Hermes, but instead I said:
- You go home and get some 'stuff, before settling in the area dehumanized. Now you reissue the command keys.
After dinner we watched a bit 'of snow on TV and then Hermes and Cynthia have left and I stayed to watch the snow alone, and I must say that it was much less fun. It already has its effect snow that is not all that fun. So.
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