Monday, February 28, 2011

Watch ]ross Kemp In Afgahnistan

Yesterday, the anniversary of the death of Renata Borlone, ended the diocesan phase of the beatification process.

for the occasion was presented the autobiography, edited by Lida Ciccarelli and Fabio Ciardi. click here
Renata has never thought of write an autobiography. He simply responded to a call asking her to clarify that and all his comrades first to tell the beginning of their history. Renata, who was accustomed to write to Clare, has just written a letter a bit 'longer than usual, telling of his early life, how it came into contact with the nascent movement, as a result of Clare. When I read this written by Renata, I was impressed by the beauty of the text, but mainly on the clarity of his life. I realized that I could be an example to many, because his journey was "normal" and at the same troubled, as is that of so many of us, and decided together. He never gave up and focused with all his strength to holiness, always feeling sorretta dall’amore di Dio. Una santità possibile, la sua. Per questo ho pensato valesse la pena far conoscere a tanti questa meravigliosa storia.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does Red Cross Test For Weed

Renata's autobiography The joy of the family found

“Missionario del dialogo”: resterà la qualità distintiva del vescovo trevigiano Marcello Zago missionario oblato di Maria Immacolata… E sarà questo il carisma della sua santità, se sarà aperto – come sembra – il processo per la sua beatificazione… because he united the experience with reflection, life with the doctrine, the witness with the teaching ... He loved and cultivated personal contact, listen, share, valued the experience of each, the diversity of experiences, with exquisite charity, human and enlightening. So today on "The Voice of the People.

We had two extraordinary days in Villorba, his hometown, recalling not only his figure and his message to ten years after his death, but also experienced the sense of family. It was this whole family of Zago, the natural, so close and compact, but also spiritual, with its Oblates, the relatives of the Oblates of the Veneto region around the world, friends of the Oblates, Oblate born families as OMMI COMI and religious of other congregations, priests, friends ... And then the parish Bishop ...
Sometimes there is an opportunity to meet together here in Rome, elsewhere, and although the years have passed, it's like every time we had seen the day before. It is the great family of St. Eugene, united by the deep bond of charity that he left us as his testament: "In your charity, charity, charity."
That charity which is the "fundamental virtue " of that dialogue in p. Marcello was a witness and a teacher, as I mentioned last night citing: "Any form of dialogue demands respect and love for each other. But for the Christian charity towards other is grafted in to God, who shares with us his love. It is a divine love that came into the world and that is embodied in Christ ... And the same dialogue takes on the qualities of charity: it is universal, progressive, thoughtful, earnest and disinterested, without limits and without calculation, understanding and adattato a tutti . Sono le qualità che mi sembra si rispecchino nella vita di p. Marcello e che siamo chiamati a far risplendere nella nostra vita.
Nel viaggio di ritorno a Roma, sull’Appennino la neve dell’ultimo inverno ci saluta festante.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Does Infertile Cervical Mucus Look Like?

Democracy and revolution (and no, not in Egham)

are not in Egham, I started working in the UK, some things have happened, but I will not go into details. I am in Pisa - some would say unemployed - but I prefer to call it a cooling-off period. Or a technical test of retirement ...

In the meantime, I found myself completely unprepared - as many - in the face of what's happening in the Middle East. This is because basically the Middle East, few know anything, except that it is the largest oil reserves, and terrorism on the planet.
And is not that we do not care that much, as long as the petrol shortages, and that the refugees do not land on Lampedusa.
When the story is set in motion, often soothing certainties of intellectual surrender, you are hopelessly late, and we hastened to catch up.
then I try to document, anywhere, of course, because as soon as you tune on the news starting to sound the fanfare for the triumph of Western values \u200b\u200bof freedom and democracy, or the death knell of the bogeymen of Islamic fundamentalism and migration flows. Then I read

Uriel, who, I repeat, is one of the most intelligent in circulation: more intelligent and more intolerant, often with results delusional, but recognize the thickness not equivalent to agree.
I read stuff like this:
is this: death-of-building-democratico.html
Then I find this: i-myths-delliran-of-the-Khomeini-and-fall-of-the-wall-of-berlin /
and even that, for Zizek, who now does not seem to have distinguished themselves by such fanfare:
Other research in English, but give too many results, it becomes exhausting and discard the huge pile of garbage. Things like: Christianity, Islam is defeated.
forget to look Grillo's blog, I do so at the last minute and point out this:

accept other reports (I read in 4 cats, I know, but you never know)

Here are some food for thought: Let's
  • good for the authenticity of the protests, in the sense that, at least initially, seem to emerge directly from the company without manipulation or internal policies foreign. After this minimum level of understanding, there would soon be cleared which subsets of society are mobilized, it is the understanding of what you can begin to glimpse the possible outcomes of the "revolutions". For example, in Egypt it seems that students and intellectuals are the engine of the uprising, and this seems confirmed by the fact that among the key demands will be those of freedom of expression and democracy. While most of the Egyptian population lives in poverty, however, that the protest did not appear to have the characteristics of a revolt by starvation
  • that will have just returned from Thailand and the Philippines, respectively presidential republic and constitutional monarchy, is that I have lived 5 years in UK and Ireland, and instead I found the energy wasted decorated with bows, instead of the arbitrary hidden meritocracy, but I agree with Uriel when it says there confuse democracy with economic prosperity. And when he says that democracy requires accountability to exist, otherwise infruibilità, the proliferation of an endless series of statutory prohibitions that limit the freedom theoretical and decay into something that retains only the name of democracy emptied sense. Obviously they are not more when he states his preference for a strong state to Putin; quando vuol crescere sua figlia all’estero per colpa della magistratura italiana che viola la privacy individuale – strana storia quella della magistratura italiana, è vero, che viene di volta in volta dagli stessi disprezzata o osannata, a seconda di chi è oggetto delle sue indagini: l’autonomia della magistratura dal potere politico serve proprio a limitare l’inevitabile discrezione che un giudice non può fare a meno di esercitare anche quando applica leggi uguali per tutti -; e quando erge la capacità individuale a misura di tutte le cose e ne deduce un bel darwinismo sociale senza scrupoli. Caro Uriel, per i rapporti tra il personale e il politico ti consiglio di rileggerti le pubblicazioni della Scuola di Francoforte (incluso Wilhelm Reich), e per quanto riguarda i limiti alla libertà individuale, beh, non è che se ti scopi un bambino, consensiente per 5 dollari, nel privato della tua abitazione, puoi ritenerti ingiudicabile: dei valori, per quanto frutto di convenzione e soggetti a mutazioni storiche, sono necessari, e non è il fatto di essere cresciuto nella provincia bigotta, a giustificare il tuo rifiuto concettuale di tutto ciò che può essere definito valore morale (valori che peraltro hai - perché non mi sembri affatto un debosciato, uno stronzo sì, ma non un debosciato - ma di cui non parli mai, perché non rientrano nel tuo schema concettuale). Come diceva Gaber: “no non fa male credere, fa molto male credere male”. I am not willing to dismiss the concept of value secular, if anything, is to fight the case for imposing new ones.
  • And yet it must be called into question the equivalence between democracy and economic prosperity. Take any index, for purposes of illustration and the last Democracy Index, 2010: . The Philippines is regarded as a Flawed Democracy (could be translated: a democracy failed) the same way as Italy, but it does not seem right that economic conditions are the same. Or Sri Lanka, other Flawed Democracy, I do not think that is richer than Qatar, ranked Authoritarian Regime. Of course you can also say, starting from the same index, which tends democratic countries also coincide with the more affluent countries, but this has little value without examining the economic history of the world system . After all, calling into question the ' equivalence between democracy and economic well-being, means to deepen the relationship, for example, to accept that global capitalism has no need for democracy to thrive, maybe democracy is the only form that is defendant for a certain historical period, but that the defendants are just as authoritarian regimes, which in general is seeing a decline in the level of democracy in times of economic crisis, and other heretical amenities.
  • Well, I think there are huge possibility that what is happening in the Middle East, is absorbed by governments that will not be able to feed more people than the previous ones. While the riots are usually dictated by short-lived hunger, it is also true that those in the name of abstract ideals are unlikely to affect the essential. And the main thing is to improve the material conditions di vita . Perché, diciamoci la verità, la libertà di espressione senza pane in tavola serve a poco. Mi è rivenuto subito in mente il 1989, la caduta del Muro: a 22 anni di distanza, come ignorare che le popolazioni di molti dei paesi dell’est Europa si sono riversate all’ovest in cerca di lavoro? Senza contare la guerra nei Balcani, e i deliri nazionalisti dei Serbi non più tenuti a bada da Tito. Baudrillard, un puro genio, così ha parlato dell’89 in una intervista:
“PP: Perhaps. But you can't deny that communism has failed and the collapse of the Soviet system has actually occurred!
JB: The communist system and the Berlin Wall didn't fall outwards, as a mark of openness and freedom, but inwards, as a mark of disintegration and of a dismantling that was violent, but had no liberatory consequences. They self-destructed, leaving behind an empty space, as when buildings implode. The only thing that collapse released was the contagious germs of collapse. And this, in fact, is what happened with the USSR: what immediately gravitated, or radiated, out from there were ferments of deliquescence and disappearance , or of blackmail by threat of disappearance, which the East European countries have joyously exported to the West, in exchange for which they have, in the guise of freedom, earned themselves irradiation by free-market capitalism and a system of values much more efficient than their own, but one that is equally deliquescent . An exchange of courtesies in which we can see that the Wall protected the West from the East as much as the opposite. In which we can see that communism at least preserved the fiction of Western values. Which might make one hope for its rehabilitation, or its return, or something equivalent - as a last-ditch measure for repolarizing the world.
PP: In the meantime, what is happening?
JB: The two systems are contaminating each other. The one sends the other its technologies and markets; the other sends back its pollution , viruses and angst. Things aren't finally settled, but I think what has triumphed isn't capitalism but the global, so to speak, and the price paid has been the disappearance of the universal in terms of a value system. We are, admittedly, seeing a kind of excrescence of human rights and democracy, but only in so far as their efficacy has long since disappeared. We're no longer in a power struggle between two systems, but in a kind of negative competition to see who'll be first to get their hands on their own values and sell them off - it's a liquidation race. Communism and its marvellous, life-size collapse - that is to say, its collapse on a grand historical scale - is the liquidation of the social, of the political as idea, as value, as utopian ideal, in the disaster of achieved utopia. But isn't it the same in the West: the life-size failure of the achieved utopia of happiness? The collapse of the Western value system is precisely correlative with the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. Western stupefaction, that of a happiness fuelled by hormones and animal feed, this flabby, technological ecstasy, this interactive virus we pass over to Eastern Europe in exchange for its opening-up to democracy, is even worse than the opposite contagion of totalitarianism, of rigid control and bureaucratic inertia. It's the corruption of the visible, as against the corruption of the hidden, the secret, the repressed. The year 1989 can be seen to have marked the beginning of the immense reciprocal contamination of the two worlds. And perhaps the deliquescence, the distintegration of the capitalist world, of its principles and values, even preceded that of socialism in the East? Perhaps this latter fell into line with the Western world's indifference to its own values - no longer having before it any ideology, any political will worthy of the name? All that's different is today forced to capitulate before the undifferentiated universe. Entropy has won, the entropy of the market and democracy, pulling irresistibly towards a generalized exchangism of all values. Hence the wave of revisionism sweeping across a Western world conscious of this irresistible degradation, and tempted finally to restore some good old values (including that of communism) to rescue its own identity. Here we have communism at last become a humanism!”

As usual, the technique consists of a theory of Baudrillard pataphysics (pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions invented by Alfred Jarry, a precursor of surrealism, to the theater) that the real challenge, that it iperbolizza traits, it is mentioned as an event, and then disappears. The n pataphysical Baudrillard is both the stage reached by the system, close to perfection and collapse, and the level must be set theory to account for the hyper-reality that is facing . Elsewhere, Baudrillard even say that communism has won with 89 ; communism wins through its dissolution, escaping to the role of imaginary enemy conferred by the West, on which it bases its identity in some way 'throws in the towel' and trimming the West the task of managing its failure, there insinuates itself as a highly destructive virus :
" The most enjoyable aspect of the whole thing, the irony of the end, is that communism has collapsed just as Marx had predicted for capitalism, with the same lightning speed, and with such ease at the end of that imagination was not even affected. The fact that Marx was wrong winner does not diminish the accuracy of his analysis, since the objective simply adds to the irony that she was missing. We thought the fate . "
  • also Zizek, who is a communist, a communist future, tells us about Egypt, welcome sign and hope that is happening, and tells us that the whole protest movement would be betrayed by any form of compromise with the existing government, that it simply has to go. And more or less explicitly tells us that Western governments, primarily the United States, which have so far endorsed or supported various local dictators for reasons of realpolitik may not have hesitation. And he's right. But I, perhaps urged on that side of me that can not overcome fear, try to imagine the after . And, alas, after not tell me the next thing, I do not say a transition to democracy is the necessary condition for the peoples of the Arab countries can ensure better living conditions. He says instead: the delay of a century of such democratic movements than the West, means that at best these countries become part directly in a world system in which wealth is highly polarized, and of course as you enter taillights. Unless ...
  • The Gini coefficient is a method used to measure the distribution of wealth, usually among the population of a country. It is calculated as follows: take an index of concentration of wealth as described here: if they have the Lorenz curve plots the graph on a Cartesian has the cumulative frequency on the x axis and y axis on the accumulated amount, then divide the existing area 45 ° between the line of perfect equal distribution and the Lorenz curve for the entire area designated by the same line of equidistribution, which, being half of a square, can be considered equal to ½. Thereby resulting in a value between 0 and 1, indicating more equal distribution such as the value is close to 0. I know it is not clear a saw. We are an example: let's take a country where the total wealth is measured 100. Suppose that 20% of the population owns 10 "wealth", another 50% have a total of 30 "treasures", and of course owns 100% of 100 total wealth. Performing a summation of (indicated by the symbol Σ in mathematics), we can say 20% of the poorest people have the wealth of 10/100 = 10%, 70% (20 +50) has the poorest individuals (10 +30) / 100 = 40% of the wealth and the remaining 30% own 60% of the wealth of course. Represented on the chart mentioned, you get something that I can not reproduce here, but that looks like what you find here: . Although this index is made up of numbers, which are notoriously stupid without adequate reflection on the method (see advantages and disadvantages, on the same page), and yet makes you think.
  • Unless, said ... Unless it is recognized next to the problem of freedom also that of 'equality , a general problem redistribution of wealth, the need to balance both global and local capital accumulation with a equity policy. The West is no longer a model, if it ever was, the resources are low, now is the time of the decrease and also that of sharing. Anything but Realpolitik. Next to freedom of expression and information, there are the good old rights to a dwelling, not to die of hunger and thirst, health. And frankly at this point I do not care if the advice is to assure the Soviets, an enlightened ruler, or a spiritual leader with secular powers. Just that we do not lose sight of priorities. The rest can be discussed.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rent Trailer In Scotland

Zago and dialogue between religions: impegno di popolo

Il 1° marzo 2011 si celebra il decimo anniversario della morte di S.E. Mons. Marcello Zago, OMI. Sabato 26 febbraio, a Villorba, in provincia di Treviso, suo paese natale, terrò la commemorazione. Visto che quest’anno ricorre il 25° della day of prayer for peace in Assisi , Zago talk about the role that played on that occasion.
The event of Assisi, who saw the heads of religions around the Pope, was a milestone in inter-religious dialogue, a milestone that marked the path of the Church and religions around the world; 'picture - as he wrote p. Zago - and an omen of what religious people should be for society: intercede with God for peace, builders of peace among men ", the drive icon of the sons of God, the real possibility of dialogue, friendship and fellowship among all.
With the day of Assisi Marcello Zago father took leave of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, having been recently appointed Superior General of the Oblates. Assisi-The effect would not be stopped. How then had prophesied, "For those who want to understand the nature and the path of interfaith dialogue in the Church and the world, the prayer meeting in Assisi on October 27, 1986 will be a crucial step, and even more significant symbol."
On that first day he saw a confirmation of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. What the Council had argued in the documents, in Assisi was "expressed in a solemn and understood by all, amplified by the media. In Assisi, the reception of religious leaders of different religions to pray and care were in some way a recognition of religions and in particular of prayer, a recognition that religion and prayer have not only a social role, but also effective at God.
In his diary, at the end of that memorable day, Father Zago recalls that in the early afternoon, starting from different places of prayer, groups of various religions were headed to St. Francis in the crowd cheering. Then a personal note that stresses were important to him the consent of the Christian people: "I've ridden the march was suddenly reminded of the Council of Ephesus. Then, the people welcomed tripudiante the council fathers had recognized that Mary Mother of God, and so dogmatic ratified this declaration. Here in Assisi seemed to me that people, mostly Catholic and flowed from many parts of the world, not only applaud the defendants, but approved of dialogue and ecumenism promoted by the Church since Vatican II. "
We can not delegate to the heads of that building relationships between people of all religions, dialogue and fellowship is a commitment by all.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scholarships For People With A Brain Aneurysm

È arivato Nando

slap an evening that we spent in the theater of Seraficum with Daniele Ricci and his team to the best of shape. Songs and dances that will raise the soul and bring you joy, make you feel that love is possible! Even with a difficult person as Nando!
To listen to the song just click: E 'ARIVA 3

is to arrive Nando, er novo neighbor next m'abbita
is to arrive Nando er grim
that each na face so black that I think you already know him

Mbe 'I'm Nando is a climbed the stairs.
I wait on the landing ar, it is normal:
quarcuno je must also say "Benarrivato
among us, here where you've just placed"

passes in front of me and je Sorido friendly
because it is natural
ner our condo
But he draws straight nimmanco me feel
me and Nun if row noffink pè!
What people, building our partner!
Er giorno dopo giù ar portone der palazzo
me lo vedo sfreccià davanti come un pazzo.
Me frega l'ascensore sale su e me lascia a tera.   
Ho capito: Nando: allora tu voi la guera!
Così er giorno dopo che lo vedo per caso  
lontano che ariva je chiudo er portone sur naso  
der condominio!
You made it! Je I returned to the beautiful game, ha!
But n'so 'things by Fassa ner condo ..!

I am to say that Rome has to them 'na Famija alone
you mo' n me 'nvento quarcosa smoke is flying!
Then you know what? I'll cross that Nando Quanno tuned
pe 'coje the occasion and do' na odd thing!
So stammattina che l'ho visto coi sacchi della la spesa  
J’ho fatto ‘na sorpresa ner mezzo der
J'ho detto piano: "A me me sa che ‘sti sacchi sò troppi e mò te do ‘na mano!"  
Lui m'ha guardato, m'ha ariguardato.
Nun ce credeva, Nando nun ce credeva!  
J'ho preso un peso, lui m'ha soriso, j'ho visto i denti
CIA Nando their teeth! He told me: "Thank you,
pe 'nun me they know these trifles."
I took him, greeted me
Well, you 'na robbetta, but I ... I started ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mustang Roush Specs Stage 2

the house by the sea

Four comments were left on the last post yesterday. I have been happy. After the first day which saw many players but no comment, I had the fear of not being able to express the emotional power in the post that the image of the former prisoner free at last has always had inside me.

I'm happy not to be left alone (as the ex-convict), those four comments made me believe that the difficult question that arises is the real truth of our collective heritage.
Go and read the four entries: written words are important.

In particular, I thank Enzo emerge from the past for doing the wonderful song by Lucio Dalla L home by the sea. me I went to look on youtube now and I've enjoyed just like the last time I had heard many years ago. And I found a live medley from the 1979's by Swiss television, which I suggest below: it contains three well-known songs steeped in loneliness, freedom, love and melancholy.

listen to me came to mind: once you were songs that told how to interpret individual collective themes, but I immediately remembered that my father said it was the most beautiful songs of his youth.

Then I got a simple question and perhaps naive: today is a more difficult time being able to find the way to his own truth, to endure the hardships related to research their own individual path? And if so, why?

Here, on this I'd like to read your opinions.

How Does The Mwr10d6 Record

Più puro dove più turpe è la via

Coincidence. I came across two poems written by hand a century ago, the same year, two poets far removed from their culture and geography. "Easter in New York" by Blaise Cendrars and the City Old "by Umberto Saba.

They share the descent into the belly of the city
take a dark street of the old city .
get down with great strides towards the poorest neighborhoods ,

Here they meet the poor:
people who are going
inn the house or brothel,
where goods are men and the debris
a large seaport
the crowd of poor
is here, packed like cattle, hospices.
Huge black ships arriving from the horizons
And I landed on piles, on the marshes.
There are Italians, Greeks, Spaniards,
Russians, Bulgarians, Mongols, Persians.
circus animals are jumping the meridians.
He throws them a piece of black meat, as the dogs.

Be one with this world of evil Poverty and both have an appreciation of the presence of the God who already had done before them next to last of the earth
are all creatures of life
and pain;
stirs in them, like me, the Lord.
Lord, are good in the neighborhood of thieves,
vagrants, beggars, of fences.
I think of the two thieves who were with you to the gallows,
I know you smile worthy of their misery.

What touched me most is the final of Sheba, who is pure in its ugliness, every drop of dish made with love:
Here I feel humble in the company of
my thoughts be
purest where most shameful is the way.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Create Ur Own Bmx Bike Color

San Pietro racconta dalla sua cattedra… o sullo sgabello

Immediately after lunch I went back home to go to St. Peter. Today is the feast of the Chair of Peter: the bronze statue, with the foot worn by the kiss of the faithful, and is lined with red cope and crowned with the tiara, the chair covered by the glory of Bernini is surrounded by candles lined with geometric rigor.
"Cathedra", the most important element of any episcopal see, the one that gives its name to the "cathedral". The bishop sits down and teaches there. It is a sign of his task as teacher of the faith. What is in St Peter's, supported by two large fathers of the Church of the East, Athanasius and John Chrysostom, and the two large Fathers of the Church of the West, Ambrose and Augustine, is not one on which he sat Peter, but that donated by Charles the Bald to Pope John VIII that the aveva incoronato re; se l’era portata con sé dalla Francia per l’occasione.
Chissà dove si sedeva Pietro quando insegnava nella sua “sede episcopale” prima di Antiochia e poi di Roma? Su un sasso, su uno sgabello qualsiasi… Oppure parlava in piedi, appoggiato al muro. È certo che quando parlava incantava la sua gente. Raccontava di Gesù, di quando lo chiamò sul lago, di quando lo riconobbe figli di Dio, di quando lo tradì, delle lacrime quella notte del tradimento, che spuntavano ogni volta che ricordava quel momento tremendo…
Oggi in San Pietro ho lasciato che mi raccontasse di nuovo la sua storia e gli ho chiesto di darmi il suo stesso amore per Gesù.
Ho riletto, nel mio “Racconti di Cafarnao”, quando narrava dell’ultimo incontro con Lui:

Chi era quell’uomo, là sulla roccia, sul bordo del lago, che dava consiglio a noi pescatori? Contro il sole nascente non ne distinguevo il volto. Doveva essere uno dei vecchi pescatori di Cafarnao, usi al mestiere. Calammo le reti, come ci aveva gridato. E il pesce, latitante tutta la notte, noticed in droves. I felt as pulled from the network.
"It is the Lord," whispered the youngest. The Lord? Folded edge of the boat, I was paralyzed for a moment to look at the water quivering silver. The Lord? I should not think that was possible. He never concealed his glory, the Risen Lord, behind that old fisherman on the bank over there? Should have been weighted to better that statement: It is the Lord. But I had to let go, I had already taken off his clothes, I had already thrown in the water towards him, the Lord. He was
was just him against the light, but it was just him and not recognize him lo riconoscevo nei suoi lineamenti, ma era proprio Lui. Ansimante, caddi in ginocchio e lo guardai. Era proprio Lui.
- Pietro, mi ami?
- Ti amo, gli dissi con la passione di sempre.
- Mi ami più di tutti?
- Sì, Maestro, gli gridai con convinzione, mentre mi sentivo il cuore in gola, e non era più per la corsa nell’acqua.
- Pietro, mi ami veramente?
La terza volta! Mi sentii schiantare il cuore. L’entusiasmo e la passione delle prime due risposte si incrinarono. La vista mi si appannò. Era nuovamente quella nube che mi aveva tolto la sua figura sul monte santo? Come allora mi sentii vacillare. M’invase that fear the dark and trembling.
my betrayal, my triple betrayal: I do not know, I do not know, I know nothing about him ...
I looked at him again. Recognize him and did not recognize him, but it was him the fountain of bitter tears that had opened his eyes into the high priest in Jerusalem began to moan. Recognize him and did not recognize him, among the veil of tears, but it was only him now, from the brink of my betrayal, I could tell the truth:
- You know - I whispered in a faint voice, but it was the my life to tell her - you know everything, you know I love you.
- Feed my sheep.
So it was that I opened the way, travels the world witnessing to the love.

Scenes From The Wedding Of A Woman Long - Short

man who looks freedom

E 'image that for many years, every now and then, before I get is the image of a person after once a bit 'long, say 10-15 years, finally released from prison.
The guards open the prison door, greet him and closing the door behind him.
And he is there, alone on a sidewalk in front of a busy street, completely free: the man who looks freedom, I came to call this picture.
And while I'm watching, I imagine the feelings this man while breathing slowly and deeply, curiosity, disbelief, sense of loss, indecision about where to go ... right, left, straight across the road ...
know what time it is free, which can go wherever he wants, which can take a bus or take a walk, or go to the bar for a drink.
And is there still, still, to contemplate freedom.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Secret Clinical Antiperspirant Dress

Gli Oblati in Turkmenistan

He is a small, peaceful, always ready to listen and encourage: Mgr. Andrzej Madej thirteen years in Turkmenistan. The bishop-nunciature-parish-community is located in the city center. It is modest and not flaunting any sign of wealth: the chapel, for about fifty people at most, the local parish, housing for some employees, the community of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate to which it belongs, a community also two people only.
Michele Zanzucchi So begins his story about the Oblates who visited Turkmenistan. To read the article click here .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Head Pain Leftfront Side

La verità più grande di noi

The main prerequisite for any dialogue:
"the abandonment of 'self-sufficiency ,
in the knowledge that the truth is always bigger than us
and look better together than alone "
(Paul Rich)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brazilian Waz Hair Length

Il ritratto di una spiritualità

were the years of the Mexican Revolution and the anticlerical laws adopted by the Government Calles: confiscation of Church property, the closure of Catholic schools, religious orders were suppressed. These were the years the Catholic opposition, the peaceful wing of the "National League for Religious Liberty," and that in favor of violent action, inspired by the famous "Cristeros. It was a time of public executions of Christians accused even of publicly profess the Catholic faith.
father Joseph also is in the eye of the storm. Escaped twice a miracle. The first face to go through a German dealer, the latter wearing a uniform of a naval officer. This second time was even escorted by police to his ship. They knew that here was hiding a priest. They searched in vain, with the help of passengers, attracted by the size that weighed on his head. Once the ship came from Mexican territorial waters, the officer changed his clothes and donned the robe and a crucifix oblate shocker passengers.
Father Joseph Rose was born in Bonn, Germany, January 24, 1877. Once you become an Oblate received his first obedience for Mexico. He was happy. "The joy I receive in obedience to Mexico, wrote to his superior, is ineffable. How grateful I am to God that I chose to join a new foundation. Oh, yes, thank him and thank him every day of my life "(March 3, 1902). A few days after the resumed: "I say and I repeat, I will go willingly to Mexico to be part of a foundation, because I know that God has called me through your person. I prayed a lot because the Good Lord give me the grace necessary to fulfill my duties as a state "(March 20, 1902).
He left con libri e bagagli come tutti gli altri, ma in più aveva con sé una cassa di articoli da fotografo. Era infatti un artista! Lo avevano scoperto presto durante gli anni della sua formazione in Germania. Il suo superiore, p. Leynhecher, nel 1898, alla vigilia degli ordini minori, scriveva di lui “La sua intelligenza ha sbalordito; non si aspettavano che riuscisse così bene allo Scolasticato. A volte è un po’ ingenuo. Artista (notevole talento per il disegno)… Cuore tenero e sensibili, riconoscente per natura… è pieno di ardore per la sua perfezione. Di salute cagionevole e tuttavia sano”. È un ritratto che rimarrà inalterato lungo tutta la sua vita. Sempre fragile di salute, accusa mal di testa, stanchezza…, uno di quelli che sembra siano sempre per morire, eppure capace di arrivare a 80 anni senza mai venir meno ai suoi impegni di missionario in mezzo alla gente. Sensibile e semplice, sa affrontare situazioni difficili e guidare le comunità. E soprattutto, artista: musicista, pittore, fotografo. 
E'  di lui come artista che voglio parlare. Non lo conoscevo fino a quando non ho visto la riproduzione di uno dei suoi quadri a Sarita, nel sud del Texas, e poi l’originale negli archivi di San Antonio. È il ritratto di uno dei missionari più famosi del Messico, p. Juanito de la Costa (il suo nome francese era Jean Bretault). Mi è piaciuto l’intensa espressione the portrait, but mostly I hit the writing around it, eight words in which it seems to me you wanted to enclose the Oblate spirituality. So I wanted to know the author, Joseph Rose, and the subject, Jean Bretault. I wondered why p. Joseph wanted to match the portrait of an Oblate with the six words. Perhaps he saw the expression of the spirituality of the Missionary Oblates? And what has come to be summarized in six words? Was it the result of his missionary experience?
The two have met and known very well in Texas where Fr Joseph had arrived from Mexico in 1914. P. Juanito was there from the distant 1872, when Fr Joseph was not yet born. For Father Joseph was a true model, as he wrote June 2, 1934 to the superior general in Rome: "Today we returned from the Novitiate, where we accompanied to his last rest our beloved father Juan, a model of true religious and missionary to the poor." I think it is worthwhile to read the six words in the light of life of both the missionaries. That's what I try to make a bet ...!

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Penelope and Odysseus

that day Penelope and Odysseus gave final instructions to the servants on how they should take care of the home faithful dog Argos during their absence. Then they headed toward the waiting ship and sailed over the sea. They joined the other Greek ships bound for Troy, where they arrived after a long and arduous journey.
A Trojan Ulysses joined the other Greek warriors and fought bravely until the war was won. Penelope then finally broke free from the fear of death in battle and was happy, he felt a deep feeling of joy and embraced him as if it was the first time.
Then began the return trip, which was a real odyssey, because of contrary winds and some of the hostility.
Ulysses often found himself in trouble, but Penelope stood still beside him, comforted him and helped him get off the hook in the most desperate situations.
Throughout the journey they had both done nothing but think back with nostalgia to Ithaca, to their cozy home, to peace and tranquility of their daily lives.
They had a great desire to see her son Telemachus, who loved so much and who had been entrusted to grandparents all the time of travel.
Yes, the adventures they had lived had been very exciting, but now the their age, the biggest desire was to be able to return, to spend whole days to breathe again at one another, to experience the feeling of being able to stop time together is completely abandoned in endless hugs, still and silent .
But when they arrived they saw that the suitors in Ithaca had taken possession of their home acting like owners.
Ulysses and Penelope went on a rampage, Telemachus, who recovered had become a skilled warrior and together with a few trusted servants, drove the suitors from his home.
In the following days, Penelope began to weave the cloth that had left ten years before Ulysses and spent much of his time with Telemachus to repair the damage caused by suitors.
And almost every night on the beach before the fire, Odysseus and Penelope told the adventures on their journey to Telemachus, who listened astonished and delighted that he thought his parents were just a really great couple and that they loved so much.

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Sempre sull’amore discendente di Riccardo di San Vittore

brings us to the text of Richard of St. Victor that you mentioned in your blog a few days ago. Bella the idea of \u200b\u200b"molten metal". We see that the environment is now preparing what made shortly after St. Thomas (ST II-II, 188) as: "maius East covered aliis quam solum tradere contemplari "(it's perfect pass on to others what has been contemplated that cover only). But I think we can say that, in practice, Christian spirituality was almost always so. The saints and mystics, I mean those who really have found God, have always sought (with its works of charity or apostolate, and also with their spiritual and mystical writings) to draw many others into the fire of God's love may have started with one or two person (and this also applies to written), but then came to so many. This seems to me that it is the "covered tradere aliis."
With the spirituality of Ignatius began to say: "contemplativus in action." This is nothing new. I think it was the P. Nadal to make this Axiom. In this sense I think there are certain similarities between the approach of Ignatius and to Chiara Lubich. ( José Damián , Spain)

The blog of Fr Fabio? "Heaven on Earth: Richard of St. Victor and Chiara Lubich." To me it seemed a gift. For the love "down", has come down a me... (Cinzia, Sicilia)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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I know that is not even with slogans like this that you can change Italy, but we continue to put something all of us, heart, head, play and irony. Let us, as we are: we can not do more.

"Dante, Petrarch and courtly love.

No to Bunga Bunga governing the country"

Idefix slogan taken from a blog - link at left.

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Un modo intelligente di fare il pensionato

A Bologna, nella casa degli Oblati, festa per l’anniversario della fondazione. Una trentina i preti amici convenuti per una mattinata di ritiro nella quale ho potuto parlare di sant’Eugenio. E poi la festa, naturalmente, con un pranzo comunitario preparato da una squadra di uomini eccezionali. Pensionati, amici camminatori, si dedicano al volontariato tinteggiando chiese, canoniche, opere parrocchiali, preparando pranzi all’occasione… per il gusto di stare insieme e rendersi utili. Un modo intelligente per vivere il tempo della pensione!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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the personal and social responsibility

shown below the text of the remarks of Cynthia to the previous post, to give it more visibility.
I believe that words which may be useful to reflect on.
And I think that no one, from me, can afford to do the talking cricket and generally accuse others.
It 's true that the perfection does not exist and that no one is holy, but if each altered in a positive not responsible for their behavior, we would all live together much better.

Cynthia writes:

... maybe Italians must rediscover the personal and social responsibility. Because I think that is what has been lost. The sense of responsibility for his actions. That's why he does accept Berlusconi, because they feel so entitled to do so. And this from simple things such as recycling of waste ... observance of traffic rules ... until compliance with the law and neighbor.
I too would say that you need to change on a personal level to get changes on a larger scale.

I agree with Cynthia and I think a hot responsibility that comes from the heart. From a sense of justice that is rooted in solidarity and not selfishness, the result of a policy based sulla ricerca del bene comune.
In sostanza, penso alla necessità di unirsi più che di dividersi .

Monday, February 14, 2011

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was to be my second and last trip in Philip, and yet who knows ...

Game over. For now ...

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if not now, when?

Ieri un'amica mi raccontava delle sue delusioni sociali e politiche: si era impegnata personalmente per cambiare le cose, era faticosamente riuscita ad entrare in un organismo amministrativo locale, ma si è ritrovata impotente di fronte a una realtà politica che non lasciava spazi per il cambiamento e il rinnovamento.
La mia amica concludeva il suo lamento citando il ritornello di una famosa canzone di Ligabue:

Non è tempo per noi e forse non lo sarà mai...

Da ieri non riesco a liberarmi di queste parole e ogni volta che, non cercate, mi ritornano alla mente, provo una rabbia e una indignazione fortissima. Forse sarà che sono reduce dalla manifestazione per la dignità delle donne di sabato scorso, che ho sentito profondamente mia, sarà che ho letto che i nostri governanti dicono che le donne che erano in piazza erano faziose o radical-chic, mentre io ho visto donne di tutte le età e di ogni tipo, ma davvero mi viene da urlare:

ma quando sarà il tempo per noi, davvero non verrà mai?

E per noi intendo:
noi che vogliamo il rispetto delle regole e degli avversari,
noi che non vogliamo fanatici del potere che ci prendano in giro,
noi che privilegiamo il dialogo the cunning of the business and make their own laws,
us who do not want to die in absurd pace of work, we do not want us
rimbecillirci front of the television trash,
us who think that culture is important and necessary, we believe that we
that each person should think for themselves,
us who would like a 51% of all MPs would join any to stop this massacre, this rampant ignorance, this praise of individualism and vulgar.

When will our time?

Perhaps when we realize that we have to stop delegating to others, we must raise the seat from our chair, we have to get out nostra casa e fare qualcosa insieme ad altri per farci sentire, per farci vedere... per cercare di far vincere le idee in cui crediamo

se non ora, quando?


Sunday, February 13, 2011

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What comes to mind?

Attendo con curiosità i vostri commenti!

Friday, February 11, 2011

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13:14 February: eros day

Non riesco a pensare alla giornata di protesta delle donne italiane prevista per domenica 13 febbraio e alla festa di S.Valentino di lunedì 14 come se fossero due entità separate: le due giornate sono strettamente connesse nel mio pensiero e nel mio sentire sotto il segno dell'eros, dove per eros intendo energia vitale .

Immagino le piazze italiane piene di donne colorate e incazzate che rivendicano il loro diritto alla vitalità, ad essere riconosciute come libere portatrici di valori, di idee, di sentimenti, di desiderio di relazione, di trasformazione e quindi di vita in quanto donne .
E immagino la festa degli innamorati non come l'ennesima occasione di mercificazione dei sentimenti secondo una logica consumistica, ma come la festa dell'eros, la valorizzazione di quegli stati d'animo indimenticabili che si provano quando si è innamorati, gli unici momenti nella vita in cui ci si può sentire folli pur essendo sani.

Sia il 13 che il 14 febbraio si può, secondo me, festeggiare l'innamoramento nei confronti della vita: la rivendicazione women considered to be the subject of life and non-sexual object has a content libidinal, erotic, vital, liberating, similar to what you feel when you're in love.

I think we all, men and women reclaim the joy of living, which means but also face real difficulties with soul with vital spirit, as free individuals , against a system of domination that wants to objects and people on their own even when he tells us that wants to give us freedom, shamefully filling the mouth of this word, and deed every day empty of meaning and significance.
The greed for power of our premier, who is so obviously, has nothing in common either with the desire to free and equal relations based on mutual respect between man and woman, nor the affection of those who want to give something of oneself to another without trying to possess him to satisfy his desires.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Fin qui

This morning I had just dressed and I was tying my shoes when I realized that I was tying my shoes. I held my breath fearing that I would not have done, but in the end and I did. Something must have happened because they were years that I could not more, to tie my shoes, I'd forgotten how it was done this morning and instead I suddenly remembered how.
Then I made a decision.
I move I also dehumanized in the area, I reach Hermes Dossi and Cynthia Pontes among the lichens. In the area there is dehumanized
electricity or wi-fi or anything, apart from the lichen, so this blog ends here.
I do not want to make a budget, a little 'because I'm lazy, a little' because budgets are always rigged. But I think that, I think that since there is Internet, humans have become redundant, a physical memory, ideas and feelings outdated, cumbersome and easily attacked by viruses. So it is fair that sooner or later be scrapped, and that the planet will become all that dehumanized Region. This may cause a bit 'sad, but sadness is a somewhat outdated stuff, then forget it.
So nothing really but I thank all those who in recent years have read and commented on the blog. If anything you need, I found in the area dehumanized, assuming you have want to come in such a place. Otherwise it does not matter, sooner or later will be dehumanized in the area come to you.

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their identity

Sometimes you mix all of themselves to the outside world the wrong way, obtaining a compound that will not recognize a paciugo they say in my part of that convoluted games.
's hard to explain with words, but when I'm really good about myself, I feel my whole, being or essence that is, for better or for worse, with strengths and weaknesses, as a house as I take care of that and try to keep in order.
This home has doors and windows through which opened and closed when I go, I leave and I mingle with the world. But not in my house, not letting people choose whether and the extent of my choosing, with the boundaries marked by malaise or fatigue that I feel useless or meaningless.
And if there is no one game alone, playing with the world as a child who has no playmates. I invented the game, because I exist, because my soul and there is no way to give him another.
Then, yes, that's nice when other people play with me, when we love together, we have fun together and mourn together for something that makes sense ...

But I am I, even when they are in relationship with others and live and enjoy these two dimensions of which run parallel and that double the pleasure of being in the world.
Well, do not delegate the sense of me and of my life to others, to anyone, but not malice.
am a whole and if I have nothing to do, I listen to my soul, which is the soul of the world, listen to the silence, I investigate the mystery and often smile at me (and the world).
Sometimes I think I'm a bit 'out! As a balcony, they say here, but I feel so open to life, perhaps as a balcony that juts out from the house and overlooks the world.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Flash 8: Let's share of Thailand

E 'already spent nearly a month since sono in uscito in doppia coppia con Chris, coetaneo originario di... Liverpool!, la sua amica, e un'amica della sua amica che avevo contattato non ricordo come, che aveva organizzato l'uscita, e che ci siamo piaciuti così tanto che non ci siamo più sentiti neanche via sms.
Chris è un salutista, beve poco, non fuma, niente grassi e niente zuccheri.
E' un duro col cuore tenero, che faceva l'ingegnere ma era infelice in UK, ha insegnato e viaggiato in Thailandia per molti anni, e poi ha scoperto il volontariato, che ha dato un senso alla sua vita. Adesso è appunto nelle Filippine, impegnato con l'organizzazione Let's Share .
Mi dice che non c'è niente di più bello che vedere gli occhi full of gratitude to the children when the delivery, during one of the ongoing initiatives, the shirt Let's Share .
philosophy Let's Share is to bridge the gap between donors and donees, and to show precisely where they end up the money. And to make it clear to those who receive, that is not enough to reach out and to do.
's all very nice, especially for volunteers. It provided no illusions that it is enough to give away two t-shirts make one happy. In reality, those poor children, they were already happy, and fill our inner void with a little of their happiness.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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the feminine and the masculine within us

The world is born because men and women met, perchè il cielo si è abbassato e la terra si è innalzata verso di lui.
Dunque maschile e femminile sono due entità diverse tra loro (come i nostri corpi attestano senza ombra di dubbio), che se si integrano positivamente possono creare, procreare, far nascere, far venire al mondo qualcosa di nuovo. Questa realtà ha un enorme valore simbolico e trascende il semplice aspetto fisico della questione.
La differenza tra maschi e femmine è dunque potenzialmente creativa, il problema è una giusta congiunzione o integrazione.

Io credo che ciascun essere umano abbia in sè caratteristiche sia maschili che femminili, qualunque significato vogliamo dare a questi due termini, e credo che una persona non possa essere reasonably balanced, if not recognize, enhances and complements the personality characteristics related to the other sex. The problems of machismo and effeminacy of males and masculinization of females or myeloma stem from poor or no integration of male and female shares within the individual, so the male or female dominated each other instead of live together harmoniously.

The question is: why rationality and emotion or practicality and ability to relate emotionally not always coexist in creative ways in the same person, whether it is male or female?
The answer, in my view, often lies in the experiences di relazione tra i sessi cui abbiamo assistito fin da piccoli, relazioni basate sul potere, sulla sottomissione o sul disprezzo, sulla freddezza o sulla mancanza di rispetto e di amore per l'altro.
Quante volte mi sono sentito dire da donne che avevano problemi di relazione coi maschi che le loro madri avevano sempre detto o fatto capire loro fin da piccole che tutti i maschi sono prevaricatori, violenti e irrispettosi!
La generalizzazione negativa rende impossibile immaginare che esistono e si potranno incontrare anche dei maschi o delle femmine "buoni e amorevoli".

In generale, non credo che sia possibile amarsi nè amare un'altra persona in modo sano, soddisfacente e creativo se i maschi non assumono a loving attitude toward the women who in their authentic and women towards the men they have inside.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Paradise is just another name for failure ... (Grand Finale bronchitis)

Women are the ones that cost less than you pay now - Aperally

What you are looking for you can not expect, we need eyes and ass - AlmaGeddon

Te mettiglielo in hand, you will see a us' ASCA in the ground - FunkFab

Meanwhile - despite the beauty of the holiday, and in the consciousness that they could allow - meanwhile suffering, or at least you know you will suffer, again, in Egham, in less two weeks ...

addition, the air Patthaya, the sea breeze that was little I cared about by bronchitis, this time I had a render less latent, so I am back in my small hotel in Cebu, not host, but almost patient.

The following photos taken at the airport in Bangkok before returning to Philip, makes her well in the fictional adventurer tragicomedy of a thousand ailments somatized more or less ...

- "I noticed that when I get sick, such as bronchitis, urticaria regresses, it is as if the immune system finally undertook to fight a real enemy, instead of playing with an imaginary, that is my own body ... "
-" Ah, then stand upon some pretty infectious disease and you care anymore! "
Anonymous sympaticus