Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Replacing A Soap Holder In The Wall

the difficulty of living

Ogni momento della mia vita è stato importante e mi ha insegnato qualcosa.
Da quando ho preso coscienza di me stesso, ho sempre spinto in avanti il mio bozzolo, a volte con gioia, spesso con fatica, talvolta fermandomi esausto a riposare. Molte volte ho desiderato di tornare un po' indietro e qualche volta l'ho fatto.

Ma sparire mai, perdermi nel vento, nel nulla o nell'infinità della natura, non l'ho mai desiderato. Esaurirmi nel non-senso o perdermi nelle contraddizioni, accusando gli altri delle mie incapacità, non mi è mai appartenuto.

Ho sempre avuto the consciousness that I was something definite and limited to my limits and inside I have always tried to realize better than what I was composed of materials, what color was kneaded my soul.

By virtue of this endeavor that I was partner in life, we all feel the danger in allowing content to go with the song of the Sirens, the median does not stay the course between the Scylla and Charybdis, and in abandoning the caresses of the sorceress Circe or heat sirocco and tremble for those who have the strength to keep his boat to the course that can save him.

I feel the danger in abandoning all contact with the few feet of space that are around us and with that little 'ground around our feet.
And I do not feel too attracted by the words too poetic and bombastic, nor by the stories of extraordinary events or from the imagination of the great visionary hearts.

I know from experience that in the imaginary world and overtime you can get lost easily, become insane without even realizing it.

And I think it can do extraordinary things who fails to carry through the normal, everyday and ordinary.


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