“Missionario del dialogo”: resterà la qualità distintiva del vescovo trevigiano Marcello Zago missionario oblato di Maria Immacolata… E sarà questo il carisma della sua santità, se sarà aperto – come sembra – il processo per la sua beatificazione… because he united the experience with reflection, life with the doctrine, the witness with the teaching ... He loved and cultivated personal contact, listen, share, valued the experience of each, the diversity of experiences, with exquisite charity, human and enlightening. So today on "The Voice of the People.
We had two extraordinary days in Villorba, his hometown, recalling not only his figure and his message to ten years after his death, but also experienced the sense of family. It was this whole family of Zago, the natural, so close and compact, but also spiritual, with its Oblates, the relatives of the Oblates of the Veneto region around the world, friends of the Oblates, Oblate born families as OMMI COMI and religious of other congregations, priests, friends ... And then the parish Bishop ...
Sometimes there is an opportunity to meet together here in Rome, elsewhere, and although the years have passed, it's like every time we had seen the day before. It is the great family of St. Eugene, united by the deep bond of charity that he left us as his testament: "In your charity, charity, charity."
Nel viaggio di ritorno a Roma, sull’Appennino la neve dell’ultimo inverno ci saluta festante.
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